George Strait
I'd Just As Soon Go

(Dean Dillon/Aaron Barker)

You say you want to talk it over
Want to try again
But there's no way of workin' it out
This love that we're not in.

We could talk and talk and accomplish nothin'
We've tried it all before
It's time somebody did some walkin'
And I can see the door.

So, I'd just as soon go
I'd just as soon say goodbye
There's no reason to prolong
What we should just let die.

And I'd just as soon stop
I'd just as soon end the madness
Knowin' what I know
I'd just as soon go.

It's not an easy thing to do
Leavin' seldom ever is
But stayin' just to see us through
Just ain't no way to live.

It's hard for you to understand
But we're better off this way
I can't fake it one more night
Or take it one more day.

So, I'd just as soon go
I'd just as soon say goodbye
There's no reason to prolong
What we should just let die.

And I'd just as soon stop
I'd just as soon end the madness
Knowin' what I know
I'd just as soon go.

Knowin' what I know
I'd just as soon go...

Mirror lyrics:

I'd just as soon go...
Knowin' what I know

I'd just as soon go.
Knowin' what I know
I'd just as soon end the madness
And I'd just as soon stop

What we should just let die.
There's no reason to prolong
I'd just as soon say goodbye
So, I'd just as soon go

Or take it one more day.
I can't fake it one more night
But we're better off this way
It's hard for you to understand

Just ain't no way to live.
But stayin' just to see us through
Leavin' seldom ever is
It's not an easy thing to do

I'd just as soon go.
Knowin' what I know
I'd just as soon end the madness
And I'd just as soon stop

What we should just let die.
There's no reason to prolong
I'd just as soon say goodbye
So, I'd just as soon go

And I can see the door.
It's time somebody did some walkin'
We've tried it all before
We could talk and talk and accomplish nothin'

This love that we're not in.
But there's no way of workin' it out
Want to try again
You say you want to talk it over

(Dean Dillon/Aaron Barker)

Relevant Tags:
II'd JJust AAs SSoon GGo 'd ust s oon o 'Id uJst sA oSon oG j'd kust zs zoon ho jI'd kJust zAs zSoon hGo Ij'd Jkust Azs Szoon Gho
9'd iust qs woon yo 9I'd iJust qAs wSoon yGo I9'd Jiust Aqs Swoon Gyo l'd must ss doon bo lI'd mJust sAs dSoon bGo Il'd Jmust Ass Sdoon Gbo
o'd nust ws eoon vo oI'd nJust wAs eSoon vGo Io'd Jnust Aws Seoon Gvo k'd hust xs xoon fo kI'd hJust xAs xSoon fGo Ik'd Jhust Axs Sxoon Gfo
8'd uust aoon to 8I'd uJust A aSoon tGo I8'd Juust As Saoon Gto u'd Az Sooon Goo uI'd Jst Son G Iu'd Jsut Asz Soon Go
I''d Jhst Aw Skon Gk Id Skoon Gko Id' Juhst Asw Sokon Gok I'dd J7st Ad S9on G9 I' J7ust Ads S9oon G9o I'd Ju7st Asd So9on Go9
I'x Jkst Ae S0on G0 I'xd Aes S0oon G0o I'dx Jukst Ase So0on Go0 I'e Jist Ax Slon Gl I'ed Sloon Glo I'de Juist Asx Solon Gol
I'f J8st Aa Sion Gi I'fd J8ust Aas Sioon Gio I'df Ju8st Asa Soion Goi I'r Jjst I'rd Jjust I'dr Jujst Sono
I'c Jyst Sokn

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