George Strait
Heart Like Hers

Every time that someone walks in
She turns around to see if it's him
She checks her watch by the clock
I can't count the times he's stood her up
And one's too much.

How could anybody break a heart like hers
I can't stand to watch her hurt
I would gladly take his place
If she'd just love me that way
He must not know what it's worth
I don't understand how anyone
Could break a heart like hers.

She keeps saying he'll change someday
He wasn't always this way
She things he hung the moon and stars
But all he's done is string her along like this
It don't make sense.

How could anybody break a heart like hers
I can't stand to watch her hurt
I would gladly take his place
If she'd just love me that way
He must not know what it's worth
I don't understand how anyone
Could break a heart like hers.

How could anybody break
A heart like hers...

Mirror lyrics:

A heart like hers...
How could anybody break

Could break a heart like hers.
I don't understand how anyone
He must not know what it's worth
If she'd just love me that way
I would gladly take his place
I can't stand to watch her hurt
How could anybody break a heart like hers

It don't make sense.
But all he's done is string her along like this
She things he hung the moon and stars
He wasn't always this way
She keeps saying he'll change someday

Could break a heart like hers.
I don't understand how anyone
He must not know what it's worth
If she'd just love me that way
I would gladly take his place
I can't stand to watch her hurt
How could anybody break a heart like hers

And one's too much.
I can't count the times he's stood her up
She checks her watch by the clock
She turns around to see if it's him
Every time that someone walks in

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HHeart LLike HHers eart ike ers eHart iLke eHrs jeart kike jers jHeart kLike jHers Hjeart Lkike Hjers ueart oike uers
uHeart oLike uHers Hueart Loike Huers neart pike ners nHeart pLike nHers Hneart Lpike Hners beart Liike bers bHeart Lke bHers
Hbeart Lkie Hbers geart Ljke gers gHeart Ljike gHers Hgeart Lijke Hgers yeart L9ke yers yHeart L9ike yHers Hyeart Li9ke Hyers
Heeart Llke Heers Hart Llike Hrs Haert Lilke Hres Hsart Loke Hsrs Hseart Hsers Hesart Lioke Hesrs H3art Lkke H3rs
H3eart H3ers He3art Likke He3rs Hfart L8ke Hfrs Hfeart L8ike Hfers Hefart Li8ke Hefrs Hrart Luke Hrrs Hreart Luike Hrers
Herart Liuke Herrs H4art H4rs H4eart Lie H4ers He4art Liek He4rs Hdart Lile Hdrs Hdeart Hders Hedart Likle Hedrs
Hwart Lioe Hwrs Hweart Hwers Hewart Likoe Hewrs Heaart Lime Hert Limke Hes Herat Likme Hesr Hezrt Lije Heds
Hezart Heazrt Likje Herds Heqrt Liie He4s

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