George Strait
Good News, Bad News

(Dean Dillon, Dale Dodson, Lee Ann Womack)
George Strait & Lee Ann Womack)

I've got some good news,
Can't wait to tell you
Realized I've missed you,
Since we've been apart
I just needed time,
To make up my mind
But I'm in love with you
With all my heart
I've got some good news.

(Lee Ann)
I got some bad news,
I don't know how to break to you
I found someone new
Since we been apart
I had too much time,
And he took you off my mind,
And I'm in love with him
With all of my heart
I've got some bad news.

I guess all is fair in love and war
Someone wins,
(Lee Ann)
But someone wins more
You never know what time will do
All I know is I've got some good news
(Lee Ann)
I've got some bad news...

Mirror lyrics:

I've got some bad news...
(Lee Ann)
All I know is I've got some good news
You never know what time will do
But someone wins more
(Lee Ann)
Someone wins,
I guess all is fair in love and war

I've got some bad news.
With all of my heart
And I'm in love with him
And he took you off my mind,
I had too much time,
Since we been apart
I found someone new
I don't know how to break to you
I got some bad news,
(Lee Ann)

I've got some good news.
With all my heart
But I'm in love with you
To make up my mind
I just needed time,
Since we've been apart
Realized I've missed you,
Can't wait to tell you
I've got some good news,

George Strait & Lee Ann Womack)
(Dean Dillon, Dale Dodson, Lee Ann Womack)

Relevant Tags:
GGood NNews, BBad NNews ood ews, ad ews oGod eNws, aBd eNws hood mews, vad mews hGood mNews, vBad mNews Ghood Nmews, Bvad Nmews
yood hews, gad hews yGood hNews, gBad hNews Gyood Nhews, Bgad Nhews bood jews, nad jews bGood jNews, nBad jNews Gbood Njews, Bnad Njews
vood bews, had bews vGood bNews, hBad bNews Gvood Nbews, Bhad Nbews food Neews, Baad Neews fGood Nws, Bd Nws Gfood Nwes, Bda Nwes
tood Nsws, Bzd Nsws tGood Nsews, Bzad Nsews Gtood Nesws, Bazd Nesws Goood N3ws, Bqd N3ws God N3ews, Bqad N3ews Good Ne3ws, Baqd Ne3ws
Gkod Nfws, Bsd Nfws Gkood Nfews, Bsad Nfews Gokod Nefws, Basd Nefws G9od Nrws, Bwd Nrws G9ood Nrews, Bwad Nrews Go9od Nerws, Bawd Nerws
G0od N4ws, Bxd N4ws G0ood N4ews, Bxad N4ews Go0od Ne4ws, Baxd Ne4ws Glod Ndws, Badd Ndws Glood Ndews, Ba Ndews Golod Nedws, Bad Nedws
Giod Nwws, Bax Nwws Giood Nwews, Nwews Goiod Newws, Badx Newws

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