George Michael
To Be Forgiven

I'm going down, won't you help me
(Won't you help me now)
Save me (save me) from myself
I hear the sound of a memory
Maybe (maybe) time will tell

Suddenly my life is like a river
Taking me places I don't want to go
But like all good men who swim too well
It takes all that I have just to cry for help
Then that voice in my head tells me no

I'm going down, won't you help me
(Won't you help me now)
Save me (save me) from myself
I look around for a fantasy
Maybe, who can tell?

Let me live my life beside the river (the river)
Take me to places where a child can grow
And then maybe, maybe the boy inside will forsake me
Maybe the child in me will just let me go

I'm going down, the cold, cold water is rushing in
I'm going down, and I would beg to be forgiven
If I knew my sin, if I knew my sin

Save me (save me), save me (save me)
Save me (save me), save me (save me)

I'm going down, I'm going down
I'm going down, I'm going down

Mirror lyrics:

I'm going down, I'm going down
I'm going down, I'm going down

Save me (save me), save me (save me)
Save me (save me), save me (save me)

If I knew my sin, if I knew my sin
I'm going down, and I would beg to be forgiven
I'm going down, the cold, cold water is rushing in

Maybe the child in me will just let me go
And then maybe, maybe the boy inside will forsake me
Take me to places where a child can grow
Let me live my life beside the river (the river)

Maybe, who can tell?
I look around for a fantasy
Save me (save me) from myself
(Won't you help me now)
I'm going down, won't you help me

Then that voice in my head tells me no
It takes all that I have just to cry for help
But like all good men who swim too well
Taking me places I don't want to go
Suddenly my life is like a river

Maybe (maybe) time will tell
I hear the sound of a memory
Save me (save me) from myself
(Won't you help me now)
I'm going down, won't you help me

Relevant Tags:
TTo BBe FForgiven o e orgiven oT eB oFrgiven fo ve corgiven fTo vBe cForgiven Tfo Bve Fcorgiven 5o ge rorgiven 5To gBe rForgiven
T5o Bge Frorgiven ho ne gorgiven hTo nBe gForgiven Tho Bne Fgorgiven yo he torgiven yTo hBe tForgiven Tyo Bhe Ftorgiven 6o Bee vorgiven
6To B vForgiven T6o Be Fvorgiven go Bs dorgiven gTo Bse dForgiven Tgo Bes Fdorgiven ro B3 Foorgiven rTo B3e Frgiven Tro Be3 Frogiven
Too Bf Fkrgiven T Bfe Fkorgiven To Bef Fokrgiven Tk Br F9rgiven Tko Bre F9orgiven Tok Ber Fo9rgiven T9 B4 F0rgiven T9o B4e F0orgiven
To9 Be4 Fo0rgiven T0 Bd Flrgiven T0o Bde Florgiven To0 Bed Folrgiven Tl Bw Firgiven Tlo Bwe Fiorgiven Tol Bew Foirgiven Ti Forrgiven
Tio Fogiven Toi Fogriven Fodgiven Fodrgiven Fordgiven Fo4given Fo4rgiven For4given
Foggiven Fogrgiven Forggiven Fotgiven Fotrgiven Fortgiven Fo5given Fo5rgiven
For5given Fofgiven Fofrgiven Forfgiven Foegiven Foergiven Foregiven Foriven
Forigven Forhiven Forhgiven Forghiven Foryiven Forygiven Forgyiven Forbiven
Forbgiven Forgbiven Forviven Forvgiven Forgviven Forfiven

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