George Michael
I Can't Make You Love Me

Turn down the light
Turn down the bed
Turn down these voices inside my head
Lay down with me
Tell me no lies
Just hold me close
Don´t patronize
Don´t patronize me

´Cause I can´t make you love me if you don´t
You can´t make your heart feel something it won´t
Here in the dark, these final hours
I will lay down my heart
And I'll feel the power
But you won´t
No you won´t

'Cause I can´t make you love me
If you don´t

I´ll close my eyes then I won´t see
The love you do not feel when you´re holding me
Morning will come and I´ll do what´s right
Just give me till then, to give up this fight
And I will give up this fight

And I can´t make you love me if you don´t
You can´t make your heart feel something it won´t
And here in the dark in these final hours
I will lay down my heart
And I'll feel the power
But you won´t, no you won´t
And I can´t make you love me
If you don´t

Ain't no use in you trying
It's no good for me baby,without love
All my tears, all these years
Everything I've believed in
Baby (ahh yeah)

Someone's gonna love me

Mirror lyrics:

Someone's gonna love me

Baby (ahh yeah)
Everything I've believed in
All my tears, all these years
It's no good for me baby,without love
Ain't no use in you trying

If you don´t
And I can´t make you love me
But you won´t, no you won´t
And I'll feel the power
I will lay down my heart
And here in the dark in these final hours
You can´t make your heart feel something it won´t
And I can´t make you love me if you don´t

And I will give up this fight
Just give me till then, to give up this fight
Morning will come and I´ll do what´s right
The love you do not feel when you´re holding me
I´ll close my eyes then I won´t see

If you don´t
'Cause I can´t make you love me

No you won´t
But you won´t
And I'll feel the power
I will lay down my heart
Here in the dark, these final hours
You can´t make your heart feel something it won´t
´Cause I can´t make you love me if you don´t

Don´t patronize me
Don´t patronize
Just hold me close
Tell me no lies
Lay down with me
Turn down these voices inside my head
Turn down the bed
Turn down the light

Relevant Tags:
II CCan't MMake YYou LLove MMe an't ake ou ove e I aCn't aMke oYu oLve eM j fan't jake gou kove je jI fCan't jMake gYou kLove jMe Ij Cfan't Mjake Ygou Lkove Mje
9 xan't kake hou oove ke 9I xCan't kMake hYou oLove kMe I9 Cxan't Mkake Yhou Loove Mke l van't nake 6ou pove ne lI vCan't nMake 6You pLove nMe Il Cvan't Mnake Y6ou Lpove Mne
o dan't Maake uou Mee oI dCan't Mke uYou Lve M Io Cdan't Mkae Yuou Lvoe Me k Caan't Mzke 7ou Lkve Ms kI Cn't Mzake 7You Mse Ik Cna't Mazke Y7ou Lokve Mes
8 Czn't Mqke jou L9ve M3 8I Czan't Mqake jYou L9ove M3e I8 Cazn't Maqke Yjou Lo9ve Me3 u Cqn't Mske tou L0ve Mf uI Cqan't Msake tYou L0ove Mfe Iu Caqn't Maske Ytou Lo0ve Mef
Csn't Mwke Yoou Llve Mr Csan't Mwake Yu Llove Mre Casn't Mawke Yuo Lolve Mer Cwn't Mxke Yku Live M4 Cwan't Mxake Ykou Liove M4e Cawn't Maxke Yoku Loive Me4
Cxn't Makke Y9u Lovve Md Mae Y9ou Loe Mde Caxn't Maek Yo9u Loev Med Cann't Male Y0u Lobe Mw Ca't Malke Y0ou Lobve Mwe Ca'nt Makle Yo0u Lovbe Mew
Cam't Maoe Ylu Loce

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