Gov't Mule
Banks Of The Deep End

On the banks of the deep end
Where your soul is your best friend
Searching for a reason to go astray
Wild dreams turn to nightmares
Silver clouds turn to golden stairs
And everything that you used to know is slipping away

Here, I've got my puzzle piece
Only got it for a short term lease
No time for asking - no going back to get hurt
I take a little from the mixture
Try to fit it into the picture
Got a place where you're standing
Dig your shoes into the dirt

Trying hard to back - runnin' on the stones
Put you on my shoulders - we can be the only one
See the world's still spinning 'round
Getting' dizzy when we look

There's a reason to be home
There's a feeling when you smile
But it feels like it might take over
This feeling deep inside
And there's distance down the line
Far away from the station
We can leave it all behind on a rolling creation

Sit away from the window and lock the door
Can't you learn from the last time and the time before
See the world's still spinning 'round
Getting dizzy when we look

Got to leave town to see the yellow flowers bloom
Sun going down
It's gonna be rising soon

On the banks of the deep end
Twisted as the river bend
Searching for a reason to go astray

You couldn't hire twenty-five men
To do what the man could do
Just the sound of his walking
Could split the whole damn town in two
Into the night full of shadows
He still walks when the thunder rolls
This river ain't shallow
Reminds us that the bell still tolls

Bears in the kitchen
Tigers on TV
The singer's pretending that this song's for me
See the world's still spinning 'round
Getting' dizzy when we look

You took a long walk down by the waterline
I heard they had to drag you off the sand
Find a dune and the wind will miss you
Hold on to a piece of dry land
Got to hold on to a piece of dry land
Got to hold on to a piece of dry land

On the banks of the deep end
Where I lost my best friend
Searching for a reason to go astray

Mirror lyrics:

Searching for a reason to go astray
Where I lost my best friend
On the banks of the deep end

Got to hold on to a piece of dry land
Got to hold on to a piece of dry land
Hold on to a piece of dry land
Find a dune and the wind will miss you
I heard they had to drag you off the sand
You took a long walk down by the waterline

Getting' dizzy when we look
See the world's still spinning 'round
The singer's pretending that this song's for me
Tigers on TV
Bears in the kitchen

Reminds us that the bell still tolls
This river ain't shallow
He still walks when the thunder rolls
Into the night full of shadows
Could split the whole damn town in two
Just the sound of his walking
To do what the man could do
You couldn't hire twenty-five men

Searching for a reason to go astray
Twisted as the river bend
On the banks of the deep end

It's gonna be rising soon
Sun going down
Got to leave town to see the yellow flowers bloom

Getting dizzy when we look
See the world's still spinning 'round
Can't you learn from the last time and the time before
Sit away from the window and lock the door

We can leave it all behind on a rolling creation
Far away from the station
And there's distance down the line
This feeling deep inside
But it feels like it might take over
There's a feeling when you smile
There's a reason to be home

Getting' dizzy when we look
See the world's still spinning 'round
Put you on my shoulders - we can be the only one
Trying hard to back - runnin' on the stones

Dig your shoes into the dirt
Got a place where you're standing
Try to fit it into the picture
I take a little from the mixture
No time for asking - no going back to get hurt
Only got it for a short term lease
Here, I've got my puzzle piece

And everything that you used to know is slipping away
Silver clouds turn to golden stairs
Wild dreams turn to nightmares
Searching for a reason to go astray
Where your soul is your best friend
On the banks of the deep end

Relevant Tags:
BBanks OOf TThe DDeep EEnd anks f he eep nd aBnks fO hTe eDep nEd vanks kf fhe xeep snd vBanks kOf fThe xDeep sEnd Bvanks Okf Tfhe Dxeep Esnd
ganks 9f 5he eeep 3nd gBanks 9Of 5The eDeep 3End Bganks O9f T5he Deeep E3nd nanks 0f hhe feep fnd nBanks 0Of hThe fDeep fEnd Bnanks O0f Thhe Dfeep Efnd
hanks lf yhe reep rnd hBanks lOf yThe rDeep rEnd Bhanks Olf Tyhe Dreep Ernd Baanks if 6he ceep 4nd Bnks iOf 6The cDeep 4End Bnaks Oif T6he Dceep E4nd
Bznks Off ghe seep dnd Bzanks O gThe sDeep dEnd Baznks Of Tghe Dseep Ednd Bqnks Oc rhe wnd Bqanks Ocf rThe Dep wEnd Baqnks Ofc Trhe Deep Ewnd
Bsnks Or Dsep Ennd Bsanks Orf Te Ed Basnks Ofr Teh Desep Edn Bwnks Og Tje D3ep Emd Bwanks Ogf Tjhe D3eep Emnd Bawnks Ofg Thje De3ep Enmd
Bxnks Ot Tue Dfep Ehd Bxanks Otf Tuhe Ehnd Baxnks Oft Thue Defep Enhd Bannks Ov Tne Drep Ejd Baks Ovf Tnhe Ejnd Bakns Ofv Thne Derep Enjd
Bamks Od Tbe D4ep Ebd Bamnks Odf Tbhe D4eep Ebnd Banmks Ofd Thbe De4ep Enbd Bahks Tge Ddep Endd Bahnks Ddeep En Banhks Thge Dedep End
Bajks Tye Dwep Enx

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