Hey Jimi

Every night I walk the streets step like my soul.
And I pick up the pieces you left so long ago.
You gave me a face, you gave me your hand.
One night I made love in electric ladyland.
Chorus:Hey I can start a fire,
but I can't keep the flame.
Now I can get much higher.
Hey Jimi, where the hell are you ?
I'm searching to ride out with my voodoo style.
Foxy lady I keep coming when I kiss the sky.
You gave me stone free, gave me battle haze.
And a little wing strong get so,
I need today.Chorus:Hey I can start a fire,
but I can't keep the flame.
Now I can get much higher.
Hey Jimi, where the hell are you ?
Yeah you read me from the good old days of rock 'n'
roll.Well you can tell me so it's right here to sing
then come and mice it all.
Like then we play strong the beat of my heart.
Now you teach to all how to rock with the black man's
soul.Chorus:Hey I can start a fire,
but I can't keep the flame.
Now I can get much higher.
Hey Jimi, hey Jimi,Hey Jimi where the hell are you?

Mirror lyrics:

Hey Jimi, hey Jimi,Hey Jimi where the hell are you?
Now I can get much higher.
but I can't keep the flame.
soul.Chorus:Hey I can start a fire,
Now you teach to all how to rock with the black man's
Like then we play strong the beat of my heart.
then come and mice it all.
roll.Well you can tell me so it's right here to sing
Yeah you read me from the good old days of rock 'n'
Hey Jimi, where the hell are you ?
Now I can get much higher.
but I can't keep the flame.
I need today.Chorus:Hey I can start a fire,
And a little wing strong get so,
You gave me stone free, gave me battle haze.
Foxy lady I keep coming when I kiss the sky.
I'm searching to ride out with my voodoo style.
Hey Jimi, where the hell are you ?
Now I can get much higher.
but I can't keep the flame.
Chorus:Hey I can start a fire,
One night I made love in electric ladyland.
You gave me a face, you gave me your hand.
And I pick up the pieces you left so long ago.
Every night I walk the streets step like my soul.

Relevant Tags:
HHey JJimi ey imi eHy iJmi jey kimi jHey kJimi Hjey Jkimi uey iimi uHey iJimi Huey Jiimi ney mimi nHey mJimi
Hney Jmimi bey nimi bHey nJimi Hbey Jnimi gey himi gHey hJimi Hgey Jhimi yey uimi yHey uJimi Hyey Juimi Heey
Hy Jmi Hye Jmii Hsy Jjmi Hsey Jjimi Hesy Jijmi H3y J9mi H3ey J9imi He3y Ji9mi Hfy Jlmi Hfey Jlimi Hefy Jilmi
Hry Jomi Hrey Joimi Hery Jiomi H4y Jkmi

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