Gorky's Zygotic Mynci
The Humming Song

You moved away faster than the seasons
With the closest love in their eyes
And now that you're gone
Were you ever there at all?
Only crows in the trees welcome you back home

In summer we collapse into the sea
In winter old times in the snow, don't know

And your face, it means nothing to me
And your windows I have never seen through
And in a place nowhere no one can come together
Some people, they leave home every day

In summer we collapse into the sea
In winter old dunes in the snow, don't know
And nothing calls you back no more

But this is the humming song
You sing it when you're on your own
And cash back in the hand
This was your promised land

And this is the humming song
Sing it when you're on your own

Mirror lyrics:

Sing it when you're on your own
And this is the humming song

This was your promised land
And cash back in the hand
You sing it when you're on your own
But this is the humming song

And nothing calls you back no more
In winter old dunes in the snow, don't know
In summer we collapse into the sea

Some people, they leave home every day
And in a place nowhere no one can come together
And your windows I have never seen through
And your face, it means nothing to me

In winter old times in the snow, don't know
In summer we collapse into the sea

Only crows in the trees welcome you back home
Were you ever there at all?
And now that you're gone
With the closest love in their eyes
You moved away faster than the seasons

Relevant Tags:
TThe HHumming SSong he umming ong hTe uHmming oSng fhe jumming zong fThe jHumming zSong Tfhe Hjumming Szong 5he uumming wong
5The uHumming wSong T5he Huumming Swong hhe numming dong hThe nHumming dSong Thhe Hnumming Sdong yhe bumming eong yThe bHumming eSong
Tyhe Hbumming Seong 6he gumming xong 6The gHumming xSong T6he Hgumming Sxong ghe yumming aong gThe yHumming aSong Tghe Hyumming Saong
rhe Soong rThe Hmming Sng Trhe Hmuming Snog Hhmming Skng Te Hhumming Skong Teh Huhmming Sokng Tje H7mming S9ng
Tjhe H7umming S9ong Thje Hu7mming So9ng Tue Hkmming S0ng Tuhe Hkumming S0ong Thue Hukmming So0ng Tne Himming Slng Tnhe Hiumming Slong
Thne Huimming Solng Tbe H8mming Sing Tbhe H8umming Siong Thbe Hu8mming Soing Tge Hjmming Sonng Sog Thge Hujmming Sogn
Tye Hymming Somg Somng Thye Huymming Sonmg Thee Hummming Sohg Th Huming Sohng The Humming Sonhg Ths Hujming Sojg
Thse Sojng Thes Humjming Sonjg Th3 Hukming Sobg Th3e Sobng The3 Humkming Sonbg Thf Hunming Songg Thfe Hunmming Son
Thef Humnming Song

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