Grand Funk Railroad
Destitute & Loosin'

I'm destitute and losin'
All that I got
I got too much booze in me
Oh, I've been smokin' a lot

Sometimes I wish my memory
Didn't serve me so good
Maybe then I wouldn't think of the world
But you know that I would
'Cause I'm

Destitute and losin'
All of my mind
But I know I got to meet my maker, children
At the end of the line

Nothing good lasts forever
Not on this earth
I'm a victim of circumstance
My mistake was my birth
'Cause I'm

Destitute and losin'
Sure can't be choosin'
Destitute and losin'
Sure can't be choosin'

I'm destitute and losin'
I'm losin' my way
There will be no more choosin'
Come the judgment day

There's no place for me to go
But I know darn well
When it comes time for me to leave here
I'm going straight, straight down to hell
'Cause I'm

I'm destitute and losin'
Losin' my mind
Said, I'm destitute and losin', children
Losin' all the time

I've never been a winner
At nothing I've done
I know that I'm a sinner
And you know my time is come
'Cause I'm

Destitute and losin'
Sure can't be choosin'
Destitute and losin'
Sure can't be choosin'

Destitute and losin'
Sure can't be choosin'
Destitute and losin'
Sure can't be choosin'

I've been so low, children
I just don't know which way to go
Lord, you know I just don't give a fuu

Mirror lyrics:

Lord, you know I just don't give a fuu
I just don't know which way to go
I've been so low, children

Sure can't be choosin'
Destitute and losin'
Sure can't be choosin'
Destitute and losin'

Sure can't be choosin'
Destitute and losin'
Sure can't be choosin'
Destitute and losin'

'Cause I'm
And you know my time is come
I know that I'm a sinner
At nothing I've done
I've never been a winner

Losin' all the time
Said, I'm destitute and losin', children
Losin' my mind
I'm destitute and losin'

'Cause I'm
I'm going straight, straight down to hell
When it comes time for me to leave here
But I know darn well
There's no place for me to go

Come the judgment day
There will be no more choosin'
I'm losin' my way
I'm destitute and losin'

Sure can't be choosin'
Destitute and losin'
Sure can't be choosin'
Destitute and losin'

'Cause I'm
My mistake was my birth
I'm a victim of circumstance
Not on this earth
Nothing good lasts forever

At the end of the line
But I know I got to meet my maker, children
All of my mind
Destitute and losin'

'Cause I'm
But you know that I would
Maybe then I wouldn't think of the world
Didn't serve me so good
Sometimes I wish my memory

Oh, I've been smokin' a lot
I got too much booze in me
All that I got
I'm destitute and losin'

Relevant Tags:
DDestitute && LLoosin' estitute oosin' eDstitute & oLosin' xestitute koosin' xDestitute kLoosin' Dxestitute Lkoosin'
eestitute ooosin' eDestitute oLoosin' Deestitute Looosin' festitute poosin' fDestitute pLoosin' Dfestitute Lpoosin'
restitute rDestitute Losin' Drestitute Loosin' cestitute Lkosin' cDestitute Dcestitute Lokosin'
sestitute L9osin' sDestitute L9oosin' Dsestitute Lo9osin' L0osin' Dstitute L0oosin' Dsetitute Lo0osin'
Dsstitute Llosin' Lloosin' Desstitute Lolosin' D3stitute Liosin' D3estitute Lioosin' De3stitute Loiosin'
Dfstitute Defstitute Losoin' Drstitute Loksin' Derstitute Looksin' D4stitute Lo9sin' D4estitute
De4stitute Loo9sin' Ddstitute Lo0sin' Ddestitute Dedstitute Loo0sin' Dwstitute Lolsin' Dwestitute
Dewstitute Loolsin' Loisin' Detitute Detsitute Looisin' Deztitute Loossin' Dezstitute Looin'
Desztitute Looisn' Dewtitute Loozin' Loozsin' Deswtitute Looszin' Dedtitute Loowin' Loowsin'
Desdtitute Looswin' Deetitute Loodin' Loodsin' Desetitute Loosdin' Dextitute Looein' Dexstitute Looesin'
Desxtitute Loosein' Deatitute Looxin' Deastitute Looxsin' Desatitute Loosxin' Desttitute Looain' Desitute Looasin'
Desittute Loosain' Desfitute Loosiin' Desftitute Loosn' Destfitute Loosni' Des5itute Loosjn' Des5titute Loosjin'
Dest5itute Loosijn' Deshitute Loos9n' Deshtitute Loos9in' Desthitute Loosi9n' Desyitute Loosln' Desytitute Looslin'
Destyitute Loosiln' Des6itute Looson' Des6titute Loosoin' Dest6itute Loosion' Desgitute Looskn' Desgtitute Looskin'
Destgitute Loosikn' Desritute Loos8n' Desrtitute Loos8in' Destritute Loosi8n' Destiitute Loosun' Desttute Loosuin'
Desttiute Loosiun' Destjtute Loosinn' Destjitute Loosi' Destijtute Loosi'n Dest9tute Loosim' Dest9itute Loosimn'

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