Grand Avenue
The City's On Fire

The city's on fire, The city's on fire
We took off faster than we ever did
Now go real slow, go real slow
Sixty hours and our love will show

The right moves at the wrong time
I'm a bit knocked out here at ringside
I still want this good life
I can taste your blood for the first time

Her sleep is so quiet, her sleep is so quiet
Her thoughts are loud an unexplained
So give me your good face
Give me your good grace
She can be so cruel
She can be so mean

The right moves at the wrong time
I'm a bit knocked out here at ringside
I still want this good life
I can taste your blood for the first time

All I want is to wake up
On a perfect day in a perfect way
I want you to be here with me
And make this doubt go away

The right moves at the wrong time
I'm a bit knocked out here at ringside
I still want this good life
I can taste your blood for the first time

The city's on fire, The city's on fire
We took off faster than we ever did
Now go real slow, go real slow
Sixty hours and our love will show

Mirror lyrics:

Sixty hours and our love will show
Now go real slow, go real slow
We took off faster than we ever did
The city's on fire, The city's on fire

I can taste your blood for the first time
I still want this good life
I'm a bit knocked out here at ringside
The right moves at the wrong time

And make this doubt go away
I want you to be here with me
On a perfect day in a perfect way
All I want is to wake up

I can taste your blood for the first time
I still want this good life
I'm a bit knocked out here at ringside
The right moves at the wrong time

She can be so mean
She can be so cruel
Give me your good grace
So give me your good face
Her thoughts are loud an unexplained
Her sleep is so quiet, her sleep is so quiet

I can taste your blood for the first time
I still want this good life
I'm a bit knocked out here at ringside
The right moves at the wrong time

Sixty hours and our love will show
Now go real slow, go real slow
We took off faster than we ever did
The city's on fire, The city's on fire

Relevant Tags:
TThe CCity's OOn FFire he ity's n ire hTe iCty's nO iFre fhe fity's kn cire fThe fCity's kOn cFire Tfhe Cfity's Okn Fcire
5he xity's 9n rire 5The xCity's 9On rFire T5he Cxity's O9n Frire hhe vity's 0n gire hThe vCity's 0On gFire Thhe Cvity's O0n Fgire
yhe dity's ln tire yThe dCity's lOn tFire Tyhe Cdity's Oln Ftire 6he Ciity's in vire 6The Cty's iOn vFire T6he Ctiy's Oin Fvire
ghe Cjty's Onn dire gThe Cjity's O dFire Tghe Cijty's On Fdire rhe C9ty's Om Fiire rThe C9ity's Omn Fre Trhe Ci9ty's Onm Frie
Clty's Oh Fjre Te Clity's Ohn Fjire Teh Cilty's Onh Fijre Tje Coty's Oj F9re Tjhe Coity's Ojn F9ire Thje Cioty's Onj Fi9re
Tue Ckty's Ob Flre Tuhe Ckity's Obn Flire Thue Cikty's Onb Filre Tne C8ty's Fore Tnhe C8ity's Foire Thne Ci8ty's Fiore
Tbe Cuty's Fkre Tbhe Cuity's Fkire Thbe Ciuty's Fikre Tge Citty's F8re Ciy's F8ire Thge Ciyt's Fi8re
Tye Cify's Fure Cifty's Fuire Thye Citfy's Fiure Thee Ci5y's Firre Th Ci5ty's Fie The Cit5y's Fier
Ths Cihy's Fide Thse Cihty's Fidre Thes Cithy's Firde Th3 Ciyy's Fi4e Th3e Ciyty's Fi4re

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