At My Post

Branches waving madly in the air
Waving round like they don't even care

Last time I considered leaving here
The roads caught fire and I drank all our beer

Out here at my post I've learned a lot
I've learned that the fruit on the ground is gonna rot
There's more ATM's with air conditioning then there are birds on the wing

Out here at my post I've learned a few things
Like the sun ain't afraid to bleach out a dream
And the way that you were ain't the way that you will always be

Please believe me

Branches wave and ask for change to spare
Once I did, but now I barely care

Last time I considered leaving town
Something dumb came up and I turned around

Out here at my post I've learned a lot
I've learned that the fruit on the ground is gonna rot
There's more ATM's with air conditioning then there are birds on the wing

Out here at my post I've learned a few things
Like the sun ain't afraid to bleach out a dream
And the way that you were ain't the way that you will always be

Please believe me
Out here at my post

Mirror lyrics:

Out here at my post
Please believe me

And the way that you were ain't the way that you will always be
Like the sun ain't afraid to bleach out a dream
Out here at my post I've learned a few things

There's more ATM's with air conditioning then there are birds on the wing
I've learned that the fruit on the ground is gonna rot
Out here at my post I've learned a lot

Something dumb came up and I turned around
Last time I considered leaving town

Once I did, but now I barely care
Branches wave and ask for change to spare

Please believe me

And the way that you were ain't the way that you will always be
Like the sun ain't afraid to bleach out a dream
Out here at my post I've learned a few things

There's more ATM's with air conditioning then there are birds on the wing
I've learned that the fruit on the ground is gonna rot
Out here at my post I've learned a lot

The roads caught fire and I drank all our beer
Last time I considered leaving here

Waving round like they don't even care
Branches waving madly in the air

Relevant Tags:
AAt MMy PPost t y ost tA yM oPst zt jy 0ost zAt jMy 0Post Azt Mjy P0ost qt ky lost qAt kMy lPost Aqt Mky Plost st ny oost sAt nMy oPost
Ast Mny Poost wt Myy wAt M Pst Awt My Psot xt Mg Pkst xAt Mgy Pkost Axt Myg Pokst Att Mh P9st A Mhy P9ost At Myh Po9st Af M6 P0st
Aft M6y Atf My6 Po0st A5 Mu Plst A5t Muy At5 Myu Polst Ah M7 Pist Aht M7y Piost Ath My7 Poist Ay Mj Posst Ayt Pot Aty Myj Pots
A6 Mt Pozt A6t Mty Pozst At6 Myt Poszt

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