Graham Parker
You Can't Take Love For Granted

Took her to a party and danced with the host
Took her to a restaurant and treat her like a ghost
Took her to a movie and looked at another screen
Paid for entertainment she'd already seen

I get so hungry, I'm eating my heart out
oooh I felt it go empty I'm wondering what I can be thinking about

But you can't take love for granted, underneath another skin
Can't take love for granted, up behind another grin

Demonstrated passion in a grip hard to shake
Took up every fashion till everything went fake
Pulled a coat over her shoulder, cracked a joke over and over
Watch the rain turn the night colder, stared into the headlight beam

I get so wired I'm making all the wrong connections
And I get so tired I'm picking up bad affections

(Chorus 1)

Can't take love for granted, can't take love for granted,
Can't take love for granted, can't take love for granted,

(Instrumental section on bridge chords, then intro repeat)

Watch the swans out on the lake, circle circle circle (circle circle)
Talk and talk and talk around it (circle circle)

(Chorus 1)
(Chorus 2)
(Chorus 1 twice) (fade).

Mirror lyrics:

(Chorus 1 twice) (fade).
(Chorus 2)
(Chorus 1)

Talk and talk and talk around it (circle circle)
Watch the swans out on the lake, circle circle circle (circle circle)

(Instrumental section on bridge chords, then intro repeat)

Can't take love for granted, can't take love for granted,
Can't take love for granted, can't take love for granted,

(Chorus 1)

And I get so tired I'm picking up bad affections
I get so wired I'm making all the wrong connections

Watch the rain turn the night colder, stared into the headlight beam
Pulled a coat over her shoulder, cracked a joke over and over
Took up every fashion till everything went fake
Demonstrated passion in a grip hard to shake

Can't take love for granted, up behind another grin
But you can't take love for granted, underneath another skin

oooh I felt it go empty I'm wondering what I can be thinking about
I get so hungry, I'm eating my heart out

Paid for entertainment she'd already seen
Took her to a movie and looked at another screen
Took her to a restaurant and treat her like a ghost
Took her to a party and danced with the host

Relevant Tags:
YYou CCan't TTake LLove FFor GGranted ou an't ake ove or ranted oYu aCn't aTke oLve oFr rGanted gou fan't fake kove cor hranted gYou fCan't fTake kLove cFor hGranted
Ygou Cfan't Tfake Lkove Fcor Ghranted hou xan't 5ake oove ror yranted hYou xCan't 5Take oLove rFor yGranted Yhou Cxan't T5ake Loove Fror Gyranted 6ou van't hake pove gor branted
6You vCan't hTake pLove gFor bGranted Y6ou Cvan't Thake Lpove Fgor Gbranted uou dan't yake tor vranted uYou dCan't yTake Lve tFor vGranted Yuou Cdan't Tyake Lvoe Ftor Gvranted
7ou Caan't 6ake Lkve vor franted 7You Cn't 6Take vFor fGranted Y7ou Cna't T6ake Lokve Fvor Gfranted jou Czn't gake L9ve dor tranted jYou Czan't gTake L9ove dFor tGranted
Yjou Cazn't Tgake Lo9ve Fdor Gtranted tou Cqn't rake L0ve Foor Grranted tYou Cqan't rTake L0ove Fr Ganted Ytou Caqn't Trake Lo0ve Fro Garnted Yoou Csn't Taake Llve Fkr Gdanted
Yu Csan't Tke Llove Fkor Gdranted Yuo Casn't Tkae Lolve Fokr Grdanted Yku Cwn't Tzke Live F9r G4anted Ykou Cwan't Tzake Liove F9or G4ranted Yoku Cawn't Tazke Loive Fo9r Gr4anted
Y9u Cxn't Tqke Lovve F0r Gganted Y9ou Tqake Loe F0or Ggranted Yo9u Caxn't Taqke Loev Fo0r Grganted Y0u Cann't Tske Lobe Flr Gtanted Y0ou Ca't Tsake Lobve Flor
Yo0u Ca'nt Taske Lovbe Folr Grtanted Ylu Cam't Twke Loce Fir G5anted Ylou Camn't Twake Locve Fior G5ranted Yolu Canm't Tawke Lovce Foir Gr5anted Yiu Cah't Txke Loge Forr Gfanted
Yiou Cahn't Txake Logve Fo Yoiu Canh't Taxke Lovge For Grfanted Youu Caj't Takke Lofe Fod Geanted Yo Cajn't Tae Lofve Fodr Geranted You Canj't Taek Lovfe Ford Greanted
Yoh Cab't Tale Lovee Fo4 Graanted Yohu Cabn't Talke Lov Fo4r Grnted Youh Canb't Takle Love For4 Grnated Yo7 Can''t Taoe Lovs Fog Grznted Yo7u Cant Taoke Lovse Fogr Grzanted
You7 Cant' Takoe Loves Forg Graznted Yok Can'tt Tame Lov3 Fot Grqnted Can' Tamke Lov3e Fotr Grqanted Youk Can't Takme Love3 Fort Graqnted Yoi Can'f Taje Lovf Fo5 Grsnted
Can'ft Tajke Fo5r Grsanted Youi Can'tf Takje Lovef For5 Grasnted Yo8 Can'5 Taie Lovr Fof Grwnted Yo8u Can'5t Taike Lovre Fofr Grwanted You8 Can't5 Takie Lover Forf Grawnted
Yoj Can'h Takee Lov4 Foe Grxnted Yoju Can'ht Tak Lov4e Foer Grxanted Youj Can'th Take Love4 Fore Graxnted Yoy Can'y Taks Lovd Grannted Yoyu Can'yt Takse Lovde Grated
Youy Can'ty Takes Loved Gratned Can'6 Tak3 Lovw Gramted Can'6t Tak3e Lovwe Gramnted Can't6 Take3 Lovew Granmted

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