Graham Parker
Haunted Episodes

Pre>capo at 3 /c /b etc mean passing bass notes

G c /c /b
I wonder what you are thinkin'
Under the rooftops there
Pullin' tangles from your hair
G c /c /b
I wonder if the water you're drinkin'
Comes from a purer stream
The one where sunlight gleams
Bm am7
Things round here don't get any clearer
Bm am7 d
Stuff that once seemed in reach is not any nearer

I wonder if that house is still standin' or did they knock it flat
Well that's progress that's that I wonder who was more demanding
We were just young I guess neither would settle for less
Still it's not a whole life story is it
It's just a page I turned and there you were in it

I wonder how you are farin' not sliding down a slope
Takin' the knocks I hope
I wonder where your eyes are starin'
Not into some emptiness into someone's I guess
But that still won't make things any clearer
People seem to drift apart instead of getting nearer

I wonder what you are doin' under the evening sky
Watchin' your life go by
I wonder if that place is in ruins and all the doors are closed
That's just the way it goes
I wonder what there is worth keepin' from haunted episodes
That briefly woke us from sleepin' /pre>

Mirror lyrics:

That briefly woke us from sleepin' /pre>
I wonder what there is worth keepin' from haunted episodes
That's just the way it goes
I wonder if that place is in ruins and all the doors are closed
Watchin' your life go by
I wonder what you are doin' under the evening sky

People seem to drift apart instead of getting nearer
But that still won't make things any clearer
Not into some emptiness into someone's I guess
I wonder where your eyes are starin'
Takin' the knocks I hope
I wonder how you are farin' not sliding down a slope

It's just a page I turned and there you were in it
Still it's not a whole life story is it
We were just young I guess neither would settle for less
Well that's progress that's that I wonder who was more demanding
I wonder if that house is still standin' or did they knock it flat

Stuff that once seemed in reach is not any nearer
Bm am7 d
Things round here don't get any clearer
Bm am7
The one where sunlight gleams
Comes from a purer stream
I wonder if the water you're drinkin'
G c /c /b
Pullin' tangles from your hair
Under the rooftops there
I wonder what you are thinkin'
G c /c /b

Pre>capo at 3 /c /b etc mean passing bass notes

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