Mark My Words

I wonder where you've been
While the walls were closing in
If I could go on
Pretending this was always wrong

Now I wonder who you'll turn to
When it starts to bring you down

Mark my words I will never bleed for you
Not if you don't want what you don't need from me anyway

I'll miss your attitude
I'll miss the way you quickly change your moods
That look in your eyes
And the way you flash your fake plastic smile

Now I wonder where your gonna run to
When it leaves you down and [out?]

Mark my words I will never bleed for you
I know you don't want what you don't need from me anyway [now that you?]
I spent too much time on my knees for you
Now my hands are washed from drowning in your sea
Consider yourself set free

Now I wonder who you'll run to
When it starts to bring you down

Mark my words I will never bleed for you
Not if you don't want what you don't need from me anyway
I spent too much time on my knees if only for you
Now my hands are washed from drowning in your sea
I tell you mark my words this is the last you'll hear from me
Consider yourself set free

Mirror lyrics:

Consider yourself set free
I tell you mark my words this is the last you'll hear from me
Now my hands are washed from drowning in your sea
I spent too much time on my knees if only for you
Not if you don't want what you don't need from me anyway
Mark my words I will never bleed for you

When it starts to bring you down
Now I wonder who you'll run to

Consider yourself set free
Now my hands are washed from drowning in your sea
I spent too much time on my knees for you
I know you don't want what you don't need from me anyway [now that you?]
Mark my words I will never bleed for you

When it leaves you down and [out?]
Now I wonder where your gonna run to

And the way you flash your fake plastic smile
That look in your eyes
I'll miss the way you quickly change your moods
I'll miss your attitude

Not if you don't want what you don't need from me anyway
Mark my words I will never bleed for you

When it starts to bring you down
Now I wonder who you'll turn to

Pretending this was always wrong
If I could go on
While the walls were closing in
I wonder where you've been

Relevant Tags:
MMark MMy WWords ark y ords aMrk yM oWrds jark jy aords jMark jMy aWords Mjark Mjy Waords kark ky 3ords kMark kMy 3Words Mkark Mky W3ords
nark ny dords nMark nMy dWords Mnark Mny Wdords Maark Myy eords Mrk M eWords Mrak My Weords Mzrk Mg sords Mzark Mgy sWords Mazrk Myg Wsords
Mqrk Mh 2ords Mqark Mhy 2Words Maqrk Myh W2ords Msrk M6 qords Msark M6y qWords Masrk My6 Wqords Mwrk Mu Woords Mwark Muy Wrds Mawrk Myu Wrods
Mxrk M7 Wkrds Mxark M7y Wkords Maxrk My7 Wokrds Marrk Mj W9rds Mak W9ords Makr Myj Wo9rds Madk Mt W0rds Madrk Mty W0ords Mardk Myt Wo0rds
Ma4k Wlrds Ma4rk Wlords Mar4k Wolrds Magk Wirds Magrk Wiords Margk Woirds Matk Worrds Matrk Wods Martk Wodrs
Ma5k Wodds Ma5rk Wodrds Mar5k Wordds Mafk Wo4ds Mafrk Wo4rds

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