All In The Face

I am what the heart can only discover
I bleed for you
And now nothing but a painful reminder
Can't feel for you
Lost in a predicament
Can't help but experiment
With the other
Anticipate for another time
Lost in the maze of my mind

But you don't
And yet you won't

I see all the pouring rain around me
Yet I don't feel a thing
In time realize
Don't bother to stop and think
That sometimes when you can't be right
Got to find time to change the mind of another
But if you think that you might want to be
Don't hesitate to contain

But you don't
And yet you won't

Bleed my hands are still
See your face and so I
Leave this all for you
Until I bleed my hands are still
See you face and so I
Leave this all for you, down again

It's all in the face
It's all in the face
It's all in the face

Don't walk away
See my lie
But if it's too cold then you'll understand next time
So what's your hand and what's your ace
You find it's all in the face

Mirror lyrics:

You find it's all in the face
So what's your hand and what's your ace
But if it's too cold then you'll understand next time
See my lie
Don't walk away

It's all in the face
It's all in the face
It's all in the face

Leave this all for you, down again
See you face and so I
Until I bleed my hands are still
Leave this all for you
See your face and so I
Bleed my hands are still

And yet you won't
But you don't

Don't hesitate to contain
But if you think that you might want to be
Got to find time to change the mind of another
That sometimes when you can't be right
Don't bother to stop and think
In time realize
Yet I don't feel a thing
I see all the pouring rain around me

And yet you won't
But you don't

Lost in the maze of my mind
Anticipate for another time
With the other
Can't help but experiment
Lost in a predicament
Can't feel for you
And now nothing but a painful reminder
I bleed for you
I am what the heart can only discover

Relevant Tags:
AAll IIn TThe FFace ll n he ace lAl nI hTe aFce zll jn fhe cace zAll jIn fThe cFace Azll Ijn Tfhe Fcace qll 9n 5he race
qAll 9In 5The rFace Aqll I9n T5he Frace sll ln hhe gace sAll lIn hThe gFace Asll Iln Thhe Fgace wll on yhe tace wAll oIn yThe tFace
Awll Ion Tyhe Ftace xll kn 6he vace xAll kIn 6The vFace Axll Ikn T6he Fvace Alll 8n ghe dace Al 8In gThe dFace All I8n Tghe Fdace
Akl un rhe Faace Akll uIn rThe Fce Alkl Iun Trhe Fcae Aol Inn Fzce Aoll I Te Fzace Alol In Teh Fazce Apl Im Tje Fqce
Apll Imn Tjhe Fqace Alpl Inm Thje Faqce Ih Tue Fsce Ihn Tuhe Fsace Inh Thue Fasce Alk Ij Tne Fwce Tnhe Fwace
Allk Inj Thne Fawce Alo Ib Tbe Fxce Ibn Tbhe Fxace

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