George Jones
Mansion On The Hill

(Hank Williams - Fred Rose)

Tonight, down here in the valley
I'm lonesome and oh, how I feel
As I sit here alone in my cabin
I can see your mansion on the hill.

Do you recall when we parted
The story to me you revealed
You said you could live without love, dear
In your loveless mansion on the hill.

--- Instrumental ---

I've waited all through the years, love
To give you a heart true and real
'Cause I know you're living in sorrow
In your loveless mansion on the hill.

The light shine bright from your window
The trees stand so silent and still
And I know you're alone with your pride, dear
In your loveless mansion on the hill...

Mirror lyrics:

In your loveless mansion on the hill...
And I know you're alone with your pride, dear
The trees stand so silent and still
The light shine bright from your window

In your loveless mansion on the hill.
'Cause I know you're living in sorrow
To give you a heart true and real
I've waited all through the years, love

--- Instrumental ---

In your loveless mansion on the hill.
You said you could live without love, dear
The story to me you revealed
Do you recall when we parted

I can see your mansion on the hill.
As I sit here alone in my cabin
I'm lonesome and oh, how I feel
Tonight, down here in the valley

(Hank Williams - Fred Rose)

Relevant Tags:
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kansion 9n 5he uill kMansion 9On 5The uHill Mkansion O9n T5he Huill nansion 0n hhe nill nMansion 0On hThe nHill Mnansion O0n Thhe Hnill
Maansion ln yhe bill Mnsion lOn yThe bHill Mnasion Oln Tyhe Hbill Mznsion in 6he gill Mzansion iOn 6The gHill Maznsion Oin T6he Hgill
Mqnsion Onn ghe yill Mqansion O gThe yHill Maqnsion On Tghe Hyill Msnsion Om rhe Hiill Msansion Omn rThe Hll Masnsion Onm Trhe Hlil
Mwnsion Oh Hjll Mwansion Ohn Te Mawnsion Onh Teh Hijll Mxnsion Oj Tje H9ll Mxansion Ojn Tjhe H9ill Maxnsion Onj Thje Hi9ll
Mannsion Ob Tue Hlll Masion Obn Tuhe Hlill Masnion Onb Thue Hilll Mamsion Tne Holl Mamnsion Tnhe Hoill Manmsion Thne Hioll
Mahsion Tbe Hkll Mahnsion Tbhe Hkill Manhsion Thbe Hikll Majsion Tge H8ll Majnsion H8ill Manjsion Thge Hi8ll
Mabsion Tye Hull Mabnsion Manbsion Thye Hiull Manssion Thee Manion Th Hil Manison The Hill
Manzion Ths Hikl Manzsion Thse Manszion Thes Hilkl Manwion Th3 Hiol Manwsion Th3e Manswion The3 Hilol
Mandion Thf Hipl Mandsion Thfe Hipll Mansdion Thef Hilpl Maneion Thr Manesion Thre

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