George Jones
Lonesome Life

(George Jones - George Riddle)

(Have pity on me please, oh, won't you lonesome life.)

Let's end it now, oh, lonesome life this heartaches
I'm tired inside and this old heart could use a rest
It might as well stop beatin' as far as she's concerned
Inside I know there's not a chance that she'll return.

Rid yourself of me I beg old lonesome life
And free me from all memories of her tonight
Unchain my heart and let the world turn out the light
Have pity on me please, oh, won't you lonesome life.

(Have pity on my please, oh, won't you lonesome life.)

Oh, lonesome life I've been through many things with you
Like sleepless nights and broken dreams and love untrue
You know I've served my purpose so let's do what's right
And let me go from you I plead, oh, lonesome life.

If you tell from me I can't go on in life
And dreaming from all memories of her tonight
Unchain my heart and left the world turn out the light
Have pity on me please, oh, won't you lonesome life.

(Have pity on me please, oh, won't you lonesome life...)

Mirror lyrics:

(Have pity on me please, oh, won't you lonesome life...)

Have pity on me please, oh, won't you lonesome life.
Unchain my heart and left the world turn out the light
And dreaming from all memories of her tonight
If you tell from me I can't go on in life

And let me go from you I plead, oh, lonesome life.
You know I've served my purpose so let's do what's right
Like sleepless nights and broken dreams and love untrue
Oh, lonesome life I've been through many things with you

(Have pity on my please, oh, won't you lonesome life.)

Have pity on me please, oh, won't you lonesome life.
Unchain my heart and let the world turn out the light
And free me from all memories of her tonight
Rid yourself of me I beg old lonesome life

Inside I know there's not a chance that she'll return.
It might as well stop beatin' as far as she's concerned
I'm tired inside and this old heart could use a rest
Let's end it now, oh, lonesome life this heartaches

(Have pity on me please, oh, won't you lonesome life.)

(George Jones - George Riddle)

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Linesome Lkfe Lionesome Loinesome Likfe Lonnesome L8fe Loesome L8ife Loensome Li8fe Lomesome Lufe Lomnesome Luife Lonmesome Liufe
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Loneesome Lige Lonsome Ligfe Lonseome Lifge Lonssome Lite Lonsesome Litfe Lonessome Lifte Lon3some Live Lon3esome Livfe Lone3some Lifve
Lonfsome Lide Lonfesome Lidfe Lonefsome Lifde Lonrsome Lifee Lonresome Lif Lonersome Life Lon4some Lifs Lon4esome Lifse Lone4some Lifes
Londsome Lif3 Londesome Lif3e Lonedsome Life3 Lonwsome Liff Lonwesome Lonewsome Lifef

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