George Jones
Let There Be Woman

(Jacqueline Wellman)

Adam was lonely and God sent him Eve
He said let there be woman to fill this man's need
Now your names not Eve and our home is no garden
But you're what God intended when he said
Let there be woman.

Let there be woman to cling to his hand
Let there be woman to stand by her man
And when I am so alone you say I'm only human
Yes, you're what God intended when he said
Let there be woman.

My world was empty, so lonely and blue
Searching for someone and God sent me you
When you gave your love to me
I musta felt just like Adam
For I knew what God intended when he said
Let the be woman.

Let there be woman to cling to his hand
Let there be woman to stand by her man
And when I am so alone you say I'm only humane
Yes, you're what God intended when he said
Let there be woman...

Mirror lyrics:

Let there be woman...
Yes, you're what God intended when he said
And when I am so alone you say I'm only humane
Let there be woman to stand by her man
Let there be woman to cling to his hand

Let the be woman.
For I knew what God intended when he said
I musta felt just like Adam
When you gave your love to me
Searching for someone and God sent me you
My world was empty, so lonely and blue

Let there be woman.
Yes, you're what God intended when he said
And when I am so alone you say I'm only human
Let there be woman to stand by her man
Let there be woman to cling to his hand

Let there be woman.
But you're what God intended when he said
Now your names not Eve and our home is no garden
He said let there be woman to fill this man's need
Adam was lonely and God sent him Eve

(Jacqueline Wellman)

Relevant Tags:
LLet TThere BBe WWoman et here e oman eLt hTere eB oWman ket fhere ve aoman kLet fThere vBe aWoman Lket Tfhere Bve Waoman
oet 5here ge 3oman oLet 5There gBe 3Woman Loet T5here Bge W3oman pet hhere ne doman pLet hThere nBe dWoman Lpet Thhere Bne Wdoman
Leet yhere he eoman Lt yThere hBe eWoman Lte Tyhere Bhe Weoman Lst 6here Bee soman Lset 6There B sWoman Lest T6here Be Wsoman
L3t ghere Bs 2oman L3et gThere Bse 2Woman Le3t Tghere Bes W2oman Lft rhere B3 qoman Lfet rThere B3e qWoman Left Trhere Be3 Wqoman
Lrt Bf Wooman Lret Tere Bfe Wman Lert Tehre Bef Wmoan L4t Tjere Br Wkman L4et Tjhere Bre Wkoman Le4t Thjere Ber Wokman
Ldt Tuere B4 W9man Ldet Tuhere B4e W9oman Ledt Thuere Be4 Wo9man Lwt Tnere Bd W0man Lwet Tnhere Bde W0oman Lewt Thnere Bed Wo0man
Lett Tbere Bw Wlman Le Tbhere Bwe Wloman Let Thbere Bew Wolman Lef Tgere Wiman Wioman Letf Thgere Woiman
Le5 Tyere Womman Le5t Woan Let5 Thyere Woamn Leh Theere Wojan Leht Thre Wojman Leth Three Womjan
Ley Thsre Wokan Leyt Thsere Lety Thesre Womkan Le6 Th3re Wonan

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