George Jones
Just Little Boy Blue

(Jimmy Fox)

Well, I'm knocking on the door of your heart, my dear
Like the three little pigs you have it locked with fear
I'm a-huffin' and a-puffin' like the others do
I'm not a big wolf I'm just a-little boy blue.

Open up your heart and let me come in
I have no hair on my chiny, chin, chin
You know I love you and I want her too
I'm not the big bad wolf I'm just a-little boy blue.

Well, the first one you loved broke your heart I saw
I was sound asleep while you concealed it all
My hearts in my hand and I want to give it to you
But your heart like stone and I can't reach you.

Open up your heart and let me come in
I have no hair on my chiny, chin, chin
You know I love you and I want her too
I'm not the big bad wolf, I'm just a-little boy blue.

--- Instrumental ---

Well, you won't let me in so I'll sneak away
And if you ever need me I'll be asleep in the hay
I'm a-huffin' and a-puffin' like the others do
I'm not the big bad wolf, I'm a-little boy blue.

Open up your heart and let me come in
I have no hair on my chiny, chin, chin
You know I love you and I want her too
I'm not the big bad wolf, just a-little boy blue.

Open up your heart and let me come in
I have no hair on my chiny, chin, chin
You know I love you and I want her too
I'm not the big bad wolf, I'm just a-little boy blue.

I'm not the big bad wolf, I'm just a-little boy blue...

Mirror lyrics:

I'm not the big bad wolf, I'm just a-little boy blue...

I'm not the big bad wolf, I'm just a-little boy blue.
You know I love you and I want her too
I have no hair on my chiny, chin, chin
Open up your heart and let me come in

I'm not the big bad wolf, just a-little boy blue.
You know I love you and I want her too
I have no hair on my chiny, chin, chin
Open up your heart and let me come in

I'm not the big bad wolf, I'm a-little boy blue.
I'm a-huffin' and a-puffin' like the others do
And if you ever need me I'll be asleep in the hay
Well, you won't let me in so I'll sneak away

--- Instrumental ---

I'm not the big bad wolf, I'm just a-little boy blue.
You know I love you and I want her too
I have no hair on my chiny, chin, chin
Open up your heart and let me come in

But your heart like stone and I can't reach you.
My hearts in my hand and I want to give it to you
I was sound asleep while you concealed it all
Well, the first one you loved broke your heart I saw

I'm not the big bad wolf I'm just a-little boy blue.
You know I love you and I want her too
I have no hair on my chiny, chin, chin
Open up your heart and let me come in

I'm not a big wolf I'm just a-little boy blue.
I'm a-huffin' and a-puffin' like the others do
Like the three little pigs you have it locked with fear
Well, I'm knocking on the door of your heart, my dear

(Jimmy Fox)

Relevant Tags:
JJust LLittle BBoy BBlue ust ittle oy lue uJst iLttle oBy lBue kust kittle voy vlue kJust kLittle vBoy vBlue Jkust Lkittle Bvoy Bvlue
iust oittle goy glue iJust oLittle gBoy gBlue Jiust Loittle Bgoy Bglue must pittle noy nlue mJust pLittle nBoy nBlue Jmust Lpittle Bnoy Bnlue
nust Liittle hoy hlue nJust Lttle hBoy hBlue Jnust Ltitle Bhoy Bhlue hust Ljttle Booy Bllue hJust Ljittle By Bue Jhust Lijttle Byo Bule
uust L9ttle Bky Bkue uJust L9ittle Bkoy Bklue Juust Li9ttle Boky Blkue Llttle B9y Boue Jst Llittle B9oy Bolue Jsut Lilttle Bo9y Bloue
Jhst Lottle B0y Bpue B0oy Bplue Juhst Liottle Bo0y Blpue J7st Lkttle Bly Bluue J7ust Bloy Ble Ju7st Likttle Boly Bleu
Jkst L8ttle Biy Blhe L8ittle Bioy Blhue Jukst Li8ttle Boiy Bluhe Jist Luttle Boyy Bl7e Luittle Bo Bl7ue Juist Liuttle Boy Blu7e
J8st Litttle Bog Blke J8ust Litle Bogy Ju8st Little Boyg Bluke Jjst Liftle Boh Blie Jjust Lifttle Bohy Bliue Jujst Litftle Boyh Bluie
Jyst Li5tle Bo6 Bl8e Jyust Li5ttle Bo6y Bl8ue Juyst Lit5tle Boy6 Blu8e Jusst Lihtle Bou Blje Jut Lihttle Bouy Bljue Juts Lithtle Boyu Bluje
Juzt Liytle Bo7 Blye Juzst Liyttle Bo7y Blyue Juszt Litytle Boy7 Bluye Juwt Li6tle Boj Bluee Juwst Li6ttle Bojy Blu Juswt Lit6tle Boyj Blue

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