George Jones
I'm The Only Hell (mama Ever Raised) Feat. Johnny

I cant sell my momma short on loving me
Guess that's why she let me go so far
Momma tried to stopped me short of stealing
I guess that's why I had to steal that car.

She told me not to smoke it
But I did and it took me far away
And I turned out to be
The only hell mama ever raised.

Well, I rolled into Atlanta, stolen tags and almost out of gas
I had to get some money, lately I'd learned how to get it fast
Those neon lights was calling me and somehow I had to get downtown
So I reached into the glovebox, another liquor store went down.

And I sing "Precious Memories," take me back to the good ol' days
I can hear my momma singing, "Rock of Ages" cleft for me
She tried to turn me on to Jesus, but I turned on to the devil's ways
And I turned out to be the only hell my moma ever raised.

Well, they put those handcuffs on me, Lord how I fought to resist
They just clamped 'em tighter, 'til that metal bit into my wrist
They took my belts and my billfold, my fingerprints, and the profile of my face
Then they locked away the only hell my moma ever ever raised.

And I sing "Precious Memories," take me back to the good ol' days
Let me hear my momma singing, "Rock of Ages" cleft for me
She tried to turn me on to Jesus, and I turned on to the devil's ways
And I turned out to be the only hell my moma ever raised.

She tried to turn me on to Jesus, and I turned on to the devil's ways
And I turned out to be the only hell my moma ever raised...

Mirror lyrics:

And I turned out to be the only hell my moma ever raised...
She tried to turn me on to Jesus, and I turned on to the devil's ways

And I turned out to be the only hell my moma ever raised.
She tried to turn me on to Jesus, and I turned on to the devil's ways
Let me hear my momma singing, "Rock of Ages" cleft for me
And I sing "Precious Memories," take me back to the good ol' days

Then they locked away the only hell my moma ever ever raised.
They took my belts and my billfold, my fingerprints, and the profile of my face
They just clamped 'em tighter, 'til that metal bit into my wrist
Well, they put those handcuffs on me, Lord how I fought to resist

And I turned out to be the only hell my moma ever raised.
She tried to turn me on to Jesus, but I turned on to the devil's ways
I can hear my momma singing, "Rock of Ages" cleft for me
And I sing "Precious Memories," take me back to the good ol' days

So I reached into the glovebox, another liquor store went down.
Those neon lights was calling me and somehow I had to get downtown
I had to get some money, lately I'd learned how to get it fast
Well, I rolled into Atlanta, stolen tags and almost out of gas

The only hell mama ever raised.
And I turned out to be
But I did and it took me far away
She told me not to smoke it

I guess that's why I had to steal that car.
Momma tried to stopped me short of stealing
Guess that's why she let me go so far
I cant sell my momma short on loving me

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II'm TThe OOnly HHell ((mama EEver RRaised) FFeat. JJohnny 'm he nly ell mama ver aised) eat. ohnny 'Im hTe nOly eHll m(ama vEer aRised) eFat. oJhnny
j'm fhe knly jell (mmama sver daised) ceat. kohnny jI'm fThe kOnly jHell (ama sEver dRaised) cFeat. kJohnny Ij'm Tfhe Oknly Hjell (amma Esver Rdaised) Fceat. Jkohnny
9'm 5he 9nly uell (jama 3ver 4aised) reat. iohnny 9I'm 5The 9Only uHell (jmama 3Ever 4Raised) rFeat. iJohnny I9'm T5he O9nly Huell (mjama E3ver R4aised) Freat. Jiohnny
l'm hhe 0nly nell (kama fver gaised) geat. mohnny lI'm hThe 0Only nHell (kmama fEver gRaised) gFeat. mJohnny Il'm Thhe O0nly Hnell (mkama Efver Rgaised) Fgeat. Jmohnny
o'm yhe lnly bell (nama rver taised) teat. nohnny oI'm yThe lOnly bHell (nmama rEver tRaised) tFeat. nJohnny Io'm Tyhe Olnly Hbell (mnama Erver Rtaised) Fteat. Jnohnny
k'm 6he inly gell (maama 4ver 5aised) veat. hohnny kI'm 6The iOnly gHell (mma 4Ever 5Raised) vFeat. hJohnny Ik'm T6he Oinly Hgell (mmaa E4ver R5aised) Fveat. Jhohnny
8'm ghe Onnly yell (mzma dver faised) deat. uohnny 8I'm gThe Oly yHell (mzama dEver fRaised) dFeat. uJohnny I8'm Tghe Olny Hyell (mazma Edver Rfaised) Fdeat. Juohnny
u'm rhe Omly Heell (mqma wver eaised) Feeat. Joohnny uI'm rThe Omnly Hll (mqama wEver eRaised) Fat. Jhnny Iu'm Trhe Onmly Hlel (maqma Ewver Reaised) Faet. Jhonny
I''m Ohly Hsll (msma Evver Raaised) Fsat. Jkhnny Im Te Ohnly Hsell (msama Eer Rised) Fseat. Im' Teh Onhly Hesll (masma Eevr Riased) Fesat. Jokhnny
I'mm Tje Ojly H3ll (mwma Eber Rzised) F3at. J9hnny I' Tjhe Ojnly H3ell (mwama Ebver Rzaised) F3eat. J9ohnny I'm Thje Onjly He3ll (mawma Evber Razised) Fe3at. Jo9hnny
I'j Tue Obly Hfll (mxma Ecer Rqised) Ffat. J0hnny I'jm Tuhe Obnly Hfell (mxama Ecver Rqaised) Ffeat. J0ohnny I'mj Thue Onbly Hefll (maxma Evcer Raqised) Fefat. Jo0hnny
I'k Tne Onlly Hrll (mamma Eger Rsised) Frat. Jlhnny I'km Tnhe Ony Hrell (maa Egver Rsaised) Jlohnny I'mk Thne Onyl Herll (maam Evger Rasised) Ferat. Jolhnny
I'n Tbe Onky H4ll (maja Efer Rwised) F4at. Jihnny I'nm Tbhe Onkly H4ell (majma Rwaised) F4eat. I'mn Thbe Onlky He4ll (mamja Evfer Rawised) Fe4at. Joihnny
Tge Onoy Hdll (maka Eveer Rxised) Fdat. Johhnny Onoly Hdell (makma Evr Rxaised) Jonny Thge Onloy Hedll (mamka Evre Raxised) Fedat. Jonhny
Tye Onpy Hwll (mana Evsr Raiised) Fwat. Jojnny Onply Hwell (manma Evser Rased) Fweat. Jojhnny Thye Onlpy Hewll (mamna Evesr Rasied) Fewat. Johjnny
Thee Onlyy Helll (mamaa Ev3r Rajsed) Feaat. Jounny Th Onl Hel (mam Ev3er Rajised) Fet. Jouhnny The Only Hell (mama Eve3r Raijsed) Feta. Johunny
Ths Onlg Hekl (mamz Evfr Ra9sed) Fezt. Jonnny Thse Onlgy Hekll (mamza Ra9ised) Fezat. Jonhnny Thes Onlyg Helkl (mamaz Evefr Rai9sed) Feazt. Johnnny
Th3 Onlh Heol (mamq Evrr Ralsed) Feqt. Jobnny Th3e Onlhy Heoll (mamqa Evrer Ralised) Feqat. Jobhnny The3 Onlyh Helol (mamaq Everr Railsed) Feaqt. Johbnny
Thf Onl6 Hepl (mams Ev4r Raosed) Fest. Jognny Thfe Onl6y Hepll (mamsa Ev4er Raoised) Joghnny Thef Only6 Helpl (mamas Eve4r Raiosed) Feast. Johgnny
Thr Onlu (mamw Evdr Raksed) Fewt. Joynny Thre Onluy (mamwa Evder Rakised) Joyhnny Ther Onlyu (mamaw Evedr Raiksed) Feawt. Johynny
Th4 Onl7 Helk (mamx Evwr Ra8sed) Fext. Th4e Onl7y (mamxa Evwer Ra8ised) Fexat. Johny The4 Only7 Hellk (mamax Evewr Rai8sed) Feaxt. Johnny

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