George Jones
I'm A Fool To Care

(Ted Daffan)
George Jones & Gene Pitney

I'm a fool to care when you treat me this way
I know I love you but what can I do, I'm a fool to care
I'm a fool to cry when you tell me goodbye
You left me so blue when you were untrue, I'm a fool to care.

I know I should laugh and call it a day
But I know I would cry if you went away
I'm a fool to care when you don't care for me
Why should I pretend I'll lose in the end, I'm a fool to care.

(I know I should laugh and call it a day
But I know I would cry if you went away)
I'm a fool to care when you don't care for me
Why should I pretend I'll lose in the end, I'm a fool to care...

Mirror lyrics:

Why should I pretend I'll lose in the end, I'm a fool to care...
I'm a fool to care when you don't care for me
But I know I would cry if you went away)
(I know I should laugh and call it a day

Why should I pretend I'll lose in the end, I'm a fool to care.
I'm a fool to care when you don't care for me
But I know I would cry if you went away
I know I should laugh and call it a day

You left me so blue when you were untrue, I'm a fool to care.
I'm a fool to cry when you tell me goodbye
I know I love you but what can I do, I'm a fool to care
I'm a fool to care when you treat me this way

George Jones & Gene Pitney
(Ted Daffan)

Relevant Tags:
II'm AA FFool TTo CCare 'm ool o are 'Im A oFol oT aCre j'm z cool fo fare jI'm zA cFool fTo fCare Ij'm Az Fcool Tfo Cfare
9'm q rool 5o xare 9I'm qA rFool 5To xCare I9'm Aq Frool T5o Cxare l'm s gool ho vare lI'm sA gFool hTo vCare Il'm As Fgool Tho Cvare
o'm w tool yo dare oI'm wA tFool yTo dCare Io'm Aw Ftool Tyo Cdare k'm x vool 6o Caare kI'm xA vFool 6To Cre Ik'm Ax Fvool T6o Crae
8'm dool go Czre 8I'm dFool gTo Czare I8'm Fdool Tgo Cazre u'm Foool ro Cqre uI'm Fol rTo Cqare Iu'm Fool Tro Caqre
I''m Fkol Too Csre Im Fkool T Csare Im' Fokol To Casre I'mm F9ol Tk Cwre I' F9ool Tko Cware I'm Fo9ol Tok Cawre
I'j F0ol T9 Cxre I'jm F0ool T9o I'mj Fo0ol To9 Caxre I'k Flol T0 Carre I'km Flool T0o Cae I'mk Folol To0 Caer
I'n Fiol Tl Cade I'nm Fiool Tlo Cadre

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