Gary Morris
One Fall Is All It Takes

(Gary Burr - Gary Morris)

Spring here is made for love
Summer is full of stars in promise
Wish you were here to watch the leaves turn gold
Well if you come I know you'll stay
One fall is all it takes.

Wasn't so long ago
I had an empty heart inside me
Lately it seems I'm filled with dreams of you
It's more than just the time or place
One fall is all it takes.

Before the winter snow locks me away
Come for your share of gold
Shining here today.

Before the winter snow locks me away
Come for your share of gold
Shining here today.

Wish you were here right now
For me to hold
Well if it's time I found the place
One fall is all it takes...

Mirror lyrics:

One fall is all it takes...
Well if it's time I found the place
For me to hold
Wish you were here right now

Shining here today.
Come for your share of gold
Before the winter snow locks me away

Shining here today.
Come for your share of gold
Before the winter snow locks me away

One fall is all it takes.
It's more than just the time or place
Lately it seems I'm filled with dreams of you
I had an empty heart inside me
Wasn't so long ago

One fall is all it takes.
Well if you come I know you'll stay
Wish you were here to watch the leaves turn gold
Summer is full of stars in promise
Spring here is made for love

(Gary Burr - Gary Morris)

Relevant Tags:
OOne FFall IIs AAll IIt TTakes ne all s ll t akes nOe aFll sI lAl tI aTkes kne call js zll jt fakes kOne cFall jIs zAll jIt fTakes Okne Fcall Ijs Azll Ijt Tfakes
9ne rall 9s qll 9t 5akes 9One rFall 9Is qAll 9It 5Takes O9ne Frall I9s Aqll I9t T5akes 0ne gall ls sll lt hakes 0One gFall lIs sAll lIt hTakes O0ne Fgall Ils Asll Ilt Thakes
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Onne dall 8s Alll 8t gakes Oe dFall 8Is Al 8It gTakes Oen Fdall I8s All I8t Tgakes Ome Faall us Akl ut rakes Omne Fll uIs Akll uIt rTakes Onme Flal Ius Alkl Iut Trakes
Ohe Fzll Iss Aol Itt Taakes Ohne Fzall I Aoll I Tkes Onhe Fazll Is Alol It Tkaes Oje Fqll Iz Apl If Tzkes Ojne Fqall Izs Apll Ift Tzakes Onje Faqll Isz Alpl Itf Tazkes
Obe Fsll Iw I5 Tqkes Obne Fsall Iws I5t Tqakes Onbe Fasll Isw It5 Taqkes Onee Fwll Id Alk Ih Tskes On Fwall Ids Iht Tsakes One Fawll Isd Allk Ith Taskes
Ons Fxll Ie Alo Iy Twkes Onse Fxall Ies Iyt Twakes Ones Faxll Ise Allo Ity Tawkes On3 Falll Ix Alp I6 Txkes On3e Fal Ixs I6t Txakes One3 Fall Isx Allp It6 Taxkes
Onf Fakl Ia Ig Takkes Onfe Fakll Ias Igt Taes Onef Falkl Isa Itg Taeks Onr Faol Ir Tales Onre Faoll Irt Talkes Oner Falol Itr Takles
On4 Fapl Taoes On4e Fapll Taokes One4 Falpl Takoes

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