Gary Moore
Rest In Peace

(Gary Moore)

He sees her face in the mirror.

But as he turns, she starts to fade.

He hears her footsteps behind him.

But when he looks, she's gone again.

He hears her voice in the darkness.

As he awakes, she calls his name.

He sees her shadow on the wall

and counts her tears in the falling rain.

She has passed away

a long, long time ago.

Why she haunts him to this day,

he'll never know.

Rest, rest in peace.

You have gone, please leave me alone.

Rest, rest in peace.

You must go, heaven is your home now.

Rest, rest in peace.

You have gone, please leave me alone.

Rest, rest in peace.

You must go, heaven is your home now.

Rest, rest in peace.

You have gone, please leave me alone.

Rest, rest in peace.

You must go, heaven is your home now.

Mirror lyrics:

You must go, heaven is your home now.

Rest, rest in peace.

You have gone, please leave me alone.

Rest, rest in peace.

You must go, heaven is your home now.

Rest, rest in peace.

You have gone, please leave me alone.

Rest, rest in peace.

You must go, heaven is your home now.

Rest, rest in peace.

You have gone, please leave me alone.

Rest, rest in peace.

he'll never know.

Why she haunts him to this day,

a long, long time ago.

She has passed away

and counts her tears in the falling rain.

He sees her shadow on the wall

As he awakes, she calls his name.

He hears her voice in the darkness.

But when he looks, she's gone again.

He hears her footsteps behind him.

But as he turns, she starts to fade.

He sees her face in the mirror.

(Gary Moore)

Relevant Tags:
RRest IIn PPeace est n eace eRst nI ePace dest jn 0eace dRest jIn 0Peace Rdest Ijn P0eace 4est 9n leace 4Rest 9In lPeace R4est I9n Pleace
gest ln oeace gRest lIn oPeace Rgest Iln Poeace test on Peeace tRest oIn Pace Rtest Ion Paece 5est kn Psace 5Rest kIn Pseace R5est Ikn Pesace
fest 8n P3ace fRest 8In P3eace Rfest I8n Pe3ace eest un Pface eRest uIn Pfeace Reest Iun Peface Inn Prace Rst I Preace Rset In Perace
Rsst Im P4ace Rsest Imn P4eace Resst Inm Pe4ace R3st Ih Pdace R3est Ihn Pdeace Re3st Inh Pedace Rfst Ij Pwace Pweace Refst Inj Pewace
Rrst Ib Peaace Rrest Ibn Pece Rerst Inb Pecae R4st Pezce Pezace Re4st Peazce Rdst Peqce Peqace

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