Gary Mitchell
What She Never Said

Can't sit still, all messed up.
Gut's on fire, can't help wondering what's going through
her mind. She never really said much and now our time is passing us by.
So many years, still right back here and after all
this time I'm back in this hole again,
waiting around again, waiting for her.

Such good friends, real good times.
God I wish she'd make up her mind cause It's killing
me, not knowing what it is we're supposed to be, she wont talk to me.
I can't let go until I know for sure if I'm just wasting
all of my time with this, trying to cope with this is tearing me apart

I can't shake these memories, and its messing up my head.
We don't belong together, but I'll still never forget her,
cause she's haunting me with all the things she never said.
Cause I never got an answer and it's following me around.

I don't care what may be. Its alright,
I don't want to see all the reasons why we have to
let this chance simply pass us by, still I cant deny.
I've known so long that its all wrong but I just can't
let go of the possibility. This opportunity is dragging me around.

I can't let go until I know exactly how she feels about
me but if I'm wrong, this has gone on too long, its time for this to end.

Mirror lyrics:

me but if I'm wrong, this has gone on too long, its time for this to end.
I can't let go until I know exactly how she feels about

let go of the possibility. This opportunity is dragging me around.
I've known so long that its all wrong but I just can't
let this chance simply pass us by, still I cant deny.
I don't want to see all the reasons why we have to
I don't care what may be. Its alright,

Cause I never got an answer and it's following me around.
cause she's haunting me with all the things she never said.
We don't belong together, but I'll still never forget her,
I can't shake these memories, and its messing up my head.

all of my time with this, trying to cope with this is tearing me apart
I can't let go until I know for sure if I'm just wasting
me, not knowing what it is we're supposed to be, she wont talk to me.
God I wish she'd make up her mind cause It's killing
Such good friends, real good times.

waiting around again, waiting for her.
this time I'm back in this hole again,
So many years, still right back here and after all
her mind. She never really said much and now our time is passing us by.
Gut's on fire, can't help wondering what's going through
Can't sit still, all messed up.

Relevant Tags:
WWhat SShe NNever SSaid hat he ever aid hWat hSe eNver aSid ahat zhe mever zaid aWhat zShe mNever zSaid Wahat Szhe Nmever Szaid
3hat whe hever waid 3What wShe hNever wSaid W3hat Swhe Nhever Swaid dhat dhe jever daid dWhat dShe jNever dSaid Wdhat Sdhe Njever Sdaid
ehat ehe bever eaid eWhat eShe bNever eSaid Wehat Sehe Nbever Seaid shat xhe Neever xaid sWhat xShe Nver xSaid Wshat Sxhe Nveer Sxaid
2hat ahe Nsver aaid 2What aShe Nsever aSaid W2hat Sahe Nesver Saaid qhat Shhe N3ver qWhat Se N3ever Sid Wqhat Seh Ne3ver Siad
Whhat Sje Nfver Szid Wat Sjhe Nfever Waht Shje Nefver Sazid Wjat Sue Nrver Sqid Wjhat Suhe Nrever Sqaid Whjat Shue Nerver Saqid
Wuat Sne N4ver Ssid Wuhat Snhe N4ever Ssaid Whuat Shne Ne4ver Sasid Wnat Sbe Ndver Swid Wnhat Sbhe Ndever Whnat Shbe Nedver Sawid
Wbat Sge Nwver Sxid Wbhat Sghe Nwever Whbat Shge Newver Saxid Wgat Sye Nevver Saiid Wghat Syhe Neer Sad Whgat Shye Neevr Sadi
Wyat Shee Neber Sajd Wyhat Sh Nebver Sajid Whyat She Nevber Saijd Whaat Shs Necer Sa9d Wht Shse Necver Sa9id Whta Shes Nevcer Sai9d

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