Gary Jules
Looking In The Eyes Of Love

I wonder should I tell you
About all the crazy things that I have done
I've been hiding all my life
When I should have stayed
I tried to run...

I was searching for an answer
In a world so full of strangers
But what I found was never really enough
Now that I've found you
I'm looking in the eyes of love (In the eyes of love)

Baby you've been good to me
Oh, so much more that you could know, yeah, yeah
I never thought that I would find
Someone who's so sweet and kind
Like you...

Please believe me when I say
This time I won't run away
I swear be all the heaven's stars above
Now that I've found you
I'm looking in the eyes of love

Looking in the eyes of love...
I can see forever, yeah...
I can see you and me
Walking in this world together

Oh, my heart's found a hope...
I've been dreaming of...
Now that I've found you
I'm looking in the eyes of love

Looking in the eyes of love...
I can see (forever), I can see forever
I can see you and me
Walking in this world together

Oh, my heart's found a hope
I've been dreaming of...
Now that I've found you, I've found you
I'm looking in the eyes of love..., yeah


Mirror lyrics:


I'm looking in the eyes of love..., yeah
Now that I've found you, I've found you
I've been dreaming of...
Oh, my heart's found a hope

Walking in this world together
I can see you and me
I can see (forever), I can see forever
Looking in the eyes of love...

I'm looking in the eyes of love
Now that I've found you
I've been dreaming of...
Oh, my heart's found a hope...

Walking in this world together
I can see you and me
I can see forever, yeah...
Looking in the eyes of love...

I'm looking in the eyes of love
Now that I've found you
I swear be all the heaven's stars above
This time I won't run away
Please believe me when I say

Like you...
Someone who's so sweet and kind
I never thought that I would find
Oh, so much more that you could know, yeah, yeah
Baby you've been good to me

I'm looking in the eyes of love (In the eyes of love)
Now that I've found you
But what I found was never really enough
In a world so full of strangers
I was searching for an answer

I tried to run...
When I should have stayed
I've been hiding all my life
About all the crazy things that I have done
I wonder should I tell you

Relevant Tags:
LLooking IIn TThe EEyes OOf LLove ooking n he yes f ove oLoking nI hTe yEes fO oLve kooking jn fhe syes kf kove kLooking jIn fThe sEyes kOf kLove
Lkooking Ijn Tfhe Esyes Okf Lkove oooking 9n 5he 3yes 9f oove oLooking 9In 5The 3Eyes 9Of oLove Loooking I9n T5he E3yes O9f Loove pooking ln hhe fyes 0f pove
pLooking lIn hThe fEyes 0Of pLove Lpooking Iln Thhe Efyes O0f Lpove on yhe ryes lf Loking oIn yThe rEyes lOf Lve Looking Ion Tyhe Eryes Olf Lvoe
Lkoking kn 6he 4yes if Lkve kIn 6The 4Eyes iOf Lokoking Ikn T6he E4yes Oif Lokve L9oking 8n ghe dyes Off L9ve L9ooking 8In gThe dEyes O L9ove
Lo9oking I8n Tghe Edyes Of Lo9ve L0oking un rhe wyes Oc L0ve L0ooking uIn rThe wEyes Ocf L0ove Lo0oking Iun Trhe Ewyes Ofc Lo0ve Lloking Inn Eyyes Or Llve
Llooking I Te Ees Orf Llove Loloking In Teh Eeys Ofr Lolve Lioking Im Tje Eges Og Live Liooking Imn Tjhe Egyes Ogf Liove Loioking Inm Thje Eyges Ofg Loive
Ih Tue Ehes Ot Lovve Ihn Tuhe Ehyes Otf Loe Lokoing Inh Thue Eyhes Oft Loev Lokking Ij Tne E6es Ov Lobe Tnhe E6yes Ovf Lobve
Lookking Inj Thne Ey6es Ofv Lovbe Lo9king Ib Tbe Eues Od Loce Ibn Tbhe Euyes Odf Locve Loo9king Inb Thbe Eyues Ofd Lovce Lo0king Tge E7es Loge
E7yes Logve Loo0king Thge Ey7es Lovge Lolking Tye Ejes Lofe Ejyes Lofve Loolking Thye Eyjes Lovfe
Loiking Thee Etes Lovee Th Etyes Lov Looiking The Eytes Love Ths Eyees Lovs Looing Thse Eys Lovse
Looikng Thes Eyse Loves Looling Th3 Eyss Lov3

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