Gary Jules
Every Time You Say Goodbye

Every time you say goodbye
It breaks my heart a little
And for every time of made you cry
You know I die a little
Because I love you...
I love you like the thunder loves the lightning...
Like the wind loves the rain

Every time you say goodbye
I see the love is...
I see the love is a strenght and a weakness
And for every time I've made you cry
I feel the tenderness
And the love that's between us

Oh when you're walking in the shadow of the valley
Oh I'll be walking right beside you
To take the darkness away...

Mirror lyrics:

To take the darkness away...
Oh I'll be walking right beside you
Oh when you're walking in the shadow of the valley

And the love that's between us
I feel the tenderness
And for every time I've made you cry
I see the love is a strenght and a weakness
I see the love is...
Every time you say goodbye

Like the wind loves the rain
I love you like the thunder loves the lightning...
Because I love you...
You know I die a little
And for every time of made you cry
It breaks my heart a little
Every time you say goodbye

Relevant Tags:
EEvery TTime YYou SSay GGoodbye very ime ou ay oodbye vEery iTme oYu aSy oGodbye svery fime gou zay hoodbye sEvery fTime gYou zSay hGoodbye
Esvery Tfime Ygou Szay Ghoodbye 3very 5ime hou way yoodbye 3Every 5Time hYou wSay yGoodbye E3very T5ime Yhou Sway Gyoodbye fvery hime 6ou day boodbye
fEvery hTime 6You dSay bGoodbye Efvery Thime Y6ou Sday Gboodbye rvery yime uou eay voodbye rEvery yTime uYou eSay vGoodbye Ervery Tyime Yuou Seay Gvoodbye
4very 6ime 7ou xay foodbye 4Every 6Time 7You xSay fGoodbye E4very T6ime Y7ou Sxay Gfoodbye dvery gime jou aay toodbye dEvery gTime jYou aSay tGoodbye
Edvery Tgime Yjou Saay Gtoodbye wvery rime tou Gooodbye wEvery rTime tYou Sy Godbye Ewvery Trime Ytou Sya Goodbye Evvery Tiime Yoou Szy Gkodbye
Eery Tme Yu Gkoodbye Eevry Tmie Yuo Sazy Gokodbye Ebery Tjme Yku Sqy G9odbye Ebvery Tjime Ykou Sqay G9oodbye Evbery Tijme Yoku Saqy Go9odbye
Ecery T9me Y9u Ssy G0odbye Ecvery T9ime Y9ou Ssay G0oodbye Evcery Ti9me Yo9u Sasy Go0odbye Egery Tlme Y0u Swy Glodbye Egvery Tlime Y0ou Gloodbye
Evgery Tilme Yo0u Sawy Golodbye Efery Tome Ylu Sxy Giodbye Toime Ylou Gioodbye Evfery Tiome Yolu Saxy Goiodbye Eveery Tkme Yiu Sayy
Evry Tkime Yiou Sa Evrey Tikme Yoiu Say Godobye Evsry T8me Youu Sag Gokdbye Evsery T8ime Yo Sagy Evesry Ti8me You Sayg Gookdbye
Ev3ry Tume Yoh Sah Go9dbye Ev3ery Tuime Yohu Sahy Eve3ry Tiume Youh Sayh Goo9dbye Evfry Timme Yo7 Sa6 Go0dbye Tie Yo7u Sa6y
Evefry Tiem You7 Say6 Goo0dbye Evrry Tije Yok Sau Goldbye Evrery Sauy Everry Timje Youk Sayu Gooldbye Ev4ry Tike Yoi Sa7 Goidbye
Ev4ery Sa7y Eve4ry Timke Youi Say7 Gooidbye Evdry Tine Yo8 Saj Gooddbye Evdery Tinme Yo8u Sajy Goobye Evedry Timne You8 Sayj Goobdye
Evwry Timee Yoj Sat Gooxbye Evwery Tim Yoju Saty Gooxdbye Evewry Time Youj Sayt Goodxbye Tims Yoy Gooebye Evey Timse Yoyu Gooedbye
Eveyr Times Youy Goodebye

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