Fyfe Dangerfield
When You Walk In The Room

In this moment
No-one is pulling me down into the ground
In this moment
No-one is pulling me down into the ground

I can't help it if I'm happy
I can't help it if I'm happy not to be sad
'Cause when you walk in the room
I see things that I can't understand

I want you endlessly
I want you endlessly
I want you endlessly

I was tired
Working myself into an early grave
I was lonely
Trying to teach myself how to behave
But these things have their own patterns
These things are fathomlessly out of our hands
And when you walk in the room
I know my life's never going to be planned

All of these old addresses
All of these empty guesses
You carry all of their weight on your back

I want you endlessly
I want you endlessly
I want you endlessly
I want you endlessly

In this moment
No-one is pulling me down into the ground

Mirror lyrics:

No-one is pulling me down into the ground
In this moment

I want you endlessly
I want you endlessly
I want you endlessly
I want you endlessly

You carry all of their weight on your back
All of these empty guesses
All of these old addresses

I know my life's never going to be planned
And when you walk in the room
These things are fathomlessly out of our hands
But these things have their own patterns
Trying to teach myself how to behave
I was lonely
Working myself into an early grave
I was tired

I want you endlessly
I want you endlessly
I want you endlessly

I see things that I can't understand
'Cause when you walk in the room
I can't help it if I'm happy not to be sad
I can't help it if I'm happy

No-one is pulling me down into the ground
In this moment
No-one is pulling me down into the ground
In this moment

Relevant Tags:
WWhen YYou WWalk IIn TThe RRoom hen ou alk n he oom hWen oYu aWlk nI hTe oRom ahen gou aalk jn fhe doom aWhen gYou aWalk jIn fThe dRoom
Wahen Ygou Waalk Ijn Tfhe Rdoom 3hen hou 3alk 9n 5he 4oom 3When hYou 3Walk 9In 5The 4Room W3hen Yhou W3alk I9n T5he R4oom dhen 6ou dalk ln hhe goom
dWhen 6You dWalk lIn hThe gRoom Wdhen Y6ou Wdalk Iln Thhe Rgoom ehen uou ealk on yhe toom eWhen uYou eWalk oIn yThe tRoom Wehen Yuou Wealk Ion Tyhe Rtoom
shen 7ou salk kn 6he 5oom sWhen 7You sWalk kIn 6The 5Room Wshen Y7ou Wsalk Ikn T6he R5oom 2hen jou 2alk 8n ghe foom 2When jYou 2Walk 8In gThe fRoom
W2hen Yjou W2alk I8n Tghe Rfoom qhen tou qalk un rhe eoom qWhen tYou qWalk uIn rThe eRoom Wqhen Ytou Wqalk Iun Trhe Reoom Whhen Yoou Inn Rooom
Wen Yu Wlk I Te Rom Wehn Yuo Wlak In Teh Room Wjen Yku Wzlk Im Tje Rkom Wjhen Ykou Wzalk Imn Tjhe Rkoom Whjen Yoku Wazlk Inm Thje Rokom
Wuen Y9u Wqlk Ih Tue R9om Wuhen Y9ou Ihn Tuhe R9oom Whuen Yo9u Waqlk Inh Thue Ro9om Wnen Y0u Wslk Ij Tne R0om Wnhen Y0ou Tnhe R0oom
Whnen Yo0u Waslk Inj Thne Ro0om Wben Ylu Wwlk Ib Tbe Rlom Wbhen Ylou Wwalk Ibn Tbhe Rloom Whben Yolu Wawlk Inb Thbe Rolom Wgen Yiu Wxlk Tge Riom
Wghen Yiou Wxalk Rioom Whgen Yoiu Waxlk Thge Roiom

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