Gary Numan
We Take Mystery

Confiscate letters like D.E.B.
No natural course of things for her to expect
Withdraw the feelings 'You can, you can't'
I called your number as you told the world

Something is wrong

There is no longer any normal to me
You're my assassin but you can't see the crime
Pointless possessions of me & you & greed
I looked at you mistaking needles for eyes

Something is wrong

Mirror lyrics:

Something is wrong

I looked at you mistaking needles for eyes
Pointless possessions of me & you & greed
You're my assassin but you can't see the crime
There is no longer any normal to me

Something is wrong

I called your number as you told the world
Withdraw the feelings 'You can, you can't'
No natural course of things for her to expect
Confiscate letters like D.E.B.

Relevant Tags:
WWe TTake MMystery e ake ystery eW aTke yMstery ae fake jystery aWe fTake jMystery Wae Tfake Mjystery 3e 5ake kystery
3We 5Take kMystery W3e T5ake Mkystery de hake nystery dWe hTake nMystery Wde Thake Mnystery ee yake Myystery eWe yTake Mstery
Wee Tyake Msytery se 6ake Mgstery sWe 6Take Mgystery Wse T6ake Mygstery 2e gake Mhstery 2We gTake Mhystery W2e Tgake Myhstery
qe rake M6stery qWe rTake M6ystery Wqe Trake My6stery Taake Mustery W Tke Muystery We Tkae Myustery Ws Tzke M7stery
Tzake M7ystery Wes Tazke My7stery W3 Tqke Mjstery Tqake We3 Taqke Myjstery Wf Tske Mtstery Wfe Tsake Mtystery
Wef Taske Mytstery Wr Twke Mysstery Wre Twake Mytery Wer Tawke Mytsery W4 Txke Myztery W4e Txake Myzstery We4 Taxke Mysztery
Wd Takke Mywtery Tae Mywstery Wed Taek Myswtery Ww Tale Mydtery Wwe Talke Mydstery Wew Takle Mysdtery Taoe Myetery
Taoke Myestery Takoe Mysetery Tame Myxtery Tamke Myxstery Takme Mysxtery Taje Myatery Tajke Myastery
Takje Mysatery Taie Mysttery Taike Mysery Takie Mysetry Takee Mysfery Tak Mysftery Take Mystfery
Taks Mys5ery Takse Mys5tery Takes Myst5ery Tak3 Myshery Tak3e Myshtery Take3 Mysthery Takf Mysyery
Takfe Mysytery Takef Mystyery

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