Gary Numan
Me, I Disconnect From You

The alarm rang for days
You could tell from conversations
I was waiting by the screen
I couldn't recognise my photograph
Me, I disconnect from you

I was walking up the stairs
Something moved in silence
I could feel his mind decaying
Only inches away from me
And I disconnect from you

Please don't turn me off
I don't know what I'm doing outside
Me and the telephone that never rings
If you were me what would you do?
Me, I disconnect from you

Mirror lyrics:

Me, I disconnect from you
If you were me what would you do?
Me and the telephone that never rings
I don't know what I'm doing outside
Please don't turn me off

And I disconnect from you
Only inches away from me
I could feel his mind decaying
Something moved in silence
I was walking up the stairs

Me, I disconnect from you
I couldn't recognise my photograph
I was waiting by the screen
You could tell from conversations
The alarm rang for days

Relevant Tags:
MMe, II DDisconnect FFrom YYou e, isconnect rom ou eM, I iDsconnect rFom oYu je, j xisconnect crom gou jMe, jI xDisconnect cFrom gYou
Mje, Ij Dxisconnect Fcrom Ygou ke, 9 eisconnect rrom hou kMe, 9I eDisconnect rFrom hYou Mke, I9 Deisconnect Frrom Yhou ne, l fisconnect grom 6ou
nMe, lI fDisconnect gFrom 6You Mne, Il Dfisconnect Fgrom Y6ou Mee, o risconnect trom uou M, oI rDisconnect tFrom uYou M,e Io Drisconnect Ftrom Yuou
Ms, k cisconnect vrom 7ou Mse, kI cDisconnect vFrom 7You Mes, Ik Dcisconnect Fvrom Y7ou M3, 8 sisconnect drom jou M3e, 8I sDisconnect dFrom jYou
Me3, I8 Dsisconnect Fdrom Yjou Mf, u Diisconnect tou Mfe, uI Dsconnect Fom tYou Mef, Iu Dsiconnect Form Ytou Mr, Djsconnect Fdom Yoou
Mre, Djisconnect Yu Mer, Dijsconnect Frdom Yuo M4, D9sconnect F4om Yku M4e, D9isconnect F4rom Ykou Me4, Di9sconnect Fr4om Yoku
Md, Dlsconnect Fgom Y9u Mde, Dlisconnect Y9ou Med, Dilsconnect Frgom Yo9u Mw, Dosconnect Ftom Y0u Mwe, Doisconnect Y0ou
Mew, Diosconnect Frtom Yo0u Me,, Dksconnect F5om Ylu Me Dkisconnect F5rom Ylou Me, Diksconnect Fr5om Yolu D8sconnect Ffom Yiu
D8isconnect Ffrom Yiou Di8sconnect Frfom Yoiu Dusconnect Feom Youu Duisconnect Ferom Yo Diusconnect Freom You
Dissconnect Froom Yoh Diconnect Frm Yohu Dicsonnect Frmo Youh Dizconnect Frkm Yo7 Dizsconnect Frkom Yo7u
Diszconnect Frokm You7 Diwconnect Fr9m Yok Diwsconnect Fr9om Diswconnect Fro9m Youk Didconnect Fr0m Yoi
Didsconnect Fr0om Disdconnect Fro0m Youi Dieconnect Frlm Yo8 Diesconnect Frlom Yo8u Diseconnect Frolm You8
Dixconnect Frim Yoj Dixsconnect Friom Yoju Disxconnect Froim Youj Diaconnect Fromm Yoy Diasconnect Fro Yoyu
Disaconnect From Youy Discconnect Froj Disonnect Frojm Disocnnect Fromj Disfonnect Frok
Disfconnect Discfonnect Fromk Disxonnect Fron Fronm Discxonnect Fromn
Disvonnect Disvconnect Discvonnect Disdonnect Discdonnect
Discoonnect Discnnect Discnonect Discknnect Disckonnect
Discoknnect Disc9nnect Disc9onnect Disco9nnect

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