Gary Numan
New Anger

I've read the papers
Look at this
They say that I'm all over
I don't know
They're not the first ones to try
So try

What's the fashion?
Is it good?
I'll need some convincing
If you've got it
Then I've seen it before
So try

Welcome to new anger
Do you want it?
Do you want it?

I don't need it

I can stop
I can take this or leave it
You can have it
But if you want it from me
Then come
And try

I've been bad
I've been good
I've been one more hero
I've been up
And I've been lower than you
So come
And try

If you want it
Come and get it

Mirror lyrics:

Come and get it
If you want it

And try
So come
And I've been lower than you
I've been up
I've been one more hero
I've been good
I've been bad

And try
Then come
But if you want it from me
You can have it
I can take this or leave it
I can stop

I don't need it

Do you want it?
Do you want it?
Welcome to new anger

So try
Then I've seen it before
If you've got it
I'll need some convincing
Is it good?
What's the fashion?

So try
They're not the first ones to try
I don't know
They say that I'm all over
Look at this
I've read the papers

Relevant Tags:
NNew AAnger ew nger eNw nAger mew znger mNew zAnger Nmew Aznger hew qnger hNew qAnger Nhew Aqnger jew snger jNew sAnger
Njew Asnger bew wnger bNew wAnger Nbew Awnger Neew xnger Nw xAnger Nwe Axnger Nsw Annger Nsew Ager Nesw Agner N3w Amger
N3ew Amnger Ne3w Anmger Nfw Ahger Nfew Ahnger Nefw Anhger Nrw Ajger Nrew Ajnger Nerw Anjger N4w Abger N4ew Abnger Ne4w Anbger
Ndw Angger Ndew Aner Nedw Anegr Nww Anher Nwew Neww Angher Anyer Ne Anyger New Angyer Nea Anber Neaw
Newa Angber Ne3 Anver Anvger

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