Gary Numan
Cry Baby (cry)

I don't cry
Or forget
I'll cut my picture on your heart
No names
You've got one more game to lose

I was young
I was clean
But now my soul eats me alive
I was kind
Now I'm your first big mistake

Don't leave
What'ya gonna do?
Are you gonna break down and cry?

She sold pain
She sold mine
She sold my secret to the man
She sold lies
And so now I break the word

Don't leave
What'ya gonna do?
Are you gonna break down and cry?

Tear up my picture

Tear up my face
You'll tear up your feelings but the memory's quite safe

Look back in anger
Look back and cry
Look up my number if you want to know why

Don't leave
What'ya gonna do?
Are you gonna break down and cry?

Same need
Same cure
I'll whisper words to ease your shame
Play time
I've got one more trick for you

I don't pray
Wrong man
I don't look for love that I don't need
Wrong place
You've got one more chance to leave

Mirror lyrics:

You've got one more chance to leave
Wrong place
I don't look for love that I don't need
Wrong man
I don't pray

I've got one more trick for you
Play time
I'll whisper words to ease your shame
Same cure
Same need

Are you gonna break down and cry?
What'ya gonna do?
Don't leave

Look up my number if you want to know why
Look back and cry
Look back in anger

You'll tear up your feelings but the memory's quite safe
Tear up my face

Tear up my picture

Are you gonna break down and cry?
What'ya gonna do?
Don't leave

And so now I break the word
She sold lies
She sold my secret to the man
She sold mine
She sold pain

Are you gonna break down and cry?
What'ya gonna do?
Don't leave

Now I'm your first big mistake
I was kind
But now my soul eats me alive
I was clean
I was young

You've got one more game to lose
No names
I'll cut my picture on your heart
Or forget
I don't cry

Relevant Tags:
CCry BBaby ((cry) ry aby cry) rCy aBby c(ry) fry vaby (ccry) fCry vBaby (ry) Cfry Bvaby (rcy) xry gaby (fry) xCry gBaby (fcry)
Cxry Bgaby (cfry) vry naby (xry) vCry nBaby (xcry) Cvry Bnaby (cxry) dry haby (vry) dCry hBaby (vcry) Cdry Bhaby (cvry) Crry Baaby (dry)
Cy Bby (dcry) Cyr Bbay (cdry) Cdy Bzby (crry) Bzaby (cy) Crdy Bazby (cyr) C4y Bqby (cdy) C4ry Bqaby Cr4y Baqby (crdy)
Cgy Bsby (c4y) Cgry Bsaby (c4ry) Crgy Basby (cr4y) Cty Bwby (cgy) Ctry Bwaby (cgry) Crty Bawby (crgy) C5y Bxby (cty) C5ry Bxaby (ctry)
Cr5y Baxby (crty) Cfy Babby (c5y) Bay (c5ry)

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