Gathering Field
Who We Are

Don't know why

I run and hide

Make myself so lonesome

You just say,

"That's okay.

Hey babe I'll catch you later."

It took a while

To put it all together

You can't change somebody

With your love no matter

How right your are

We are who we are

The sidewalks teem

With sunlight beams

A thousand rainbow colors

Private parts

Troubled hearts

All searching for the answer

Faded dreams

And broken hearted laughter

But now I know

You can't change somebody…

Twilight fades

Another day

Converted into memory

We discuss

The change in us

I've never been this happy

It took some time

To put it all together

But now I know…

You can't change somebody…

No matter how bright your star

No matter how fresh your scar

We are who we are…

Mirror lyrics:

We are who we are…

No matter how fresh your scar

No matter how bright your star

You can't change somebody…

But now I know…

To put it all together

It took some time

I've never been this happy

The change in us

We discuss

Converted into memory

Another day

Twilight fades

You can't change somebody…

But now I know

And broken hearted laughter

Faded dreams

All searching for the answer

Troubled hearts

Private parts

A thousand rainbow colors

With sunlight beams

The sidewalks teem

We are who we are

How right your are

With your love no matter

You can't change somebody

To put it all together

It took a while

Hey babe I'll catch you later."

"That's okay.

You just say,

Make myself so lonesome

I run and hide

Don't know why

Relevant Tags:
WWho WWe AAre ho e re hWo eW rAe aho ae zre aWho aWe zAre Waho Wae Azre 3ho 3e qre 3Who 3We qAre W3ho W3e Aqre dho de sre dWho dWe sAre
Wdho Wde Asre eho ee wre eWho eWe wAre Weho Wee Awre sho se xre sWho sWe xAre Wsho Wse Axre 2ho 2e Arre 2Who 2We Ae W2ho W2e Aer qho qe Ade
qWho qWe Adre Wqho Wqe Arde Whho A4e Wo W A4re Woh We Ar4e Wjo Ws Age Wjho Agre Whjo Wes Arge Wuo W3 Ate Wuho Atre

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