A Noise Severe

I feel it slip

Slip away

From my hands

All the away

My heart pounds like mad

I feel it slip

Slip away

Why am I

Why am I here?

So distant from

My old life

My heart feels so sad

What am I Doing here?

You see

I'm riding endlessly

What will become of me?

This higher power knows

You see

I'm waiting patiently

And what this means to me

Nobody ever knows

You see

In all the warmth I feel

Is this the end of me?

Only i should know

Mirror lyrics:

Only i should know

Is this the end of me?

In all the warmth I feel

You see

Nobody ever knows

And what this means to me

I'm waiting patiently

You see

This higher power knows

What will become of me?

I'm riding endlessly

You see

What am I Doing here?

My heart feels so sad

My old life

So distant from

Why am I here?

Why am I

Slip away

I feel it slip

My heart pounds like mad

All the away

From my hands

Slip away

I feel it slip

Relevant Tags:
AA NNoise SSevere oise evere A oNise eSvere z moise zevere zA mNoise zSevere Az Nmoise Szevere q hoise wevere qA hNoise wSevere
Aq Nhoise Swevere s joise devere sA jNoise dSevere As Njoise Sdevere w boise eevere wA bNoise eSevere Aw Nboise Seevere x Nooise xevere
xA Nise xSevere Ax Niose Sxevere Nkise aevere Nkoise aSevere Nokise Saevere N9ise N9oise Svere No9ise Sveere
N0ise Ssvere N0oise Ssevere No0ise Sesvere Nlise S3vere Nloise S3evere Nolise Se3vere Niise Sfvere Nioise Sfevere
Noiise Sefvere Srvere Nose Srevere Nosie Servere Nojse S4vere Nojise S4evere Noijse Se4vere No9se Sdvere
Noi9se Sedvere Nolse Swvere Noilse Sewvere Noose Sevvere Seere Noiose Seevre Nokse Sebere Sebvere
Noikse Sevbere No8se Secere No8ise Secvere Noi8se Sevcere Nouse Segere Nouise Segvere Noiuse Sevgere Noisse Sefere

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