Garnet Mimms
A Quiet Place

Johnny, Johnny Dollar

Lady, lady, lady
Why do you holler?
Ain't nobody seen
Your Johnny Dollar

I can't get no sleep
In this noisy street
I've got to move
(I've got to move)
I've got to find me a quiet place

There's a man next door
With a radio and he plays it
All through the night

There's a couple in the
Apartment above my head
That don't do nothing
But fuss and fight

I can't get no sleep
In this noisy street
I've got to move
(I've got to move)
I've got to find me a quiet place

Tell me, where do you go
When you got no dough?
There must be a way
Out of here

But I've got to find
Some peace of mind
There must be a place
That I can find

Believe me when I tell you
There's a cat that gets
Under my window
And he meows all the time

There's a drunk that wakes me
In the middle of the night
Singing 'Sweet Adeline'

I can't get no sleep
In this noisy street
I've got to move
(I've got to move)
I've got to find me a quiet place

I can't get no sleep
In this noisy street
I've got to move
(I've got to move)
I've got to find me a quiet place

Oh, I've got to move
(I've got to move)
I've got to find me
A quiet place

I got to get away from
This noisy street

Mirror lyrics:

This noisy street
I got to get away from

A quiet place
I've got to find me
(I've got to move)
Oh, I've got to move

I've got to find me a quiet place
(I've got to move)
I've got to move
In this noisy street
I can't get no sleep

I've got to find me a quiet place
(I've got to move)
I've got to move
In this noisy street
I can't get no sleep

Singing 'Sweet Adeline'
In the middle of the night
There's a drunk that wakes me

And he meows all the time
Under my window
There's a cat that gets
Believe me when I tell you

That I can find
There must be a place
Some peace of mind
But I've got to find

Out of here
There must be a way
When you got no dough?
Tell me, where do you go

I've got to find me a quiet place
(I've got to move)
I've got to move
In this noisy street
I can't get no sleep

But fuss and fight
That don't do nothing
Apartment above my head
There's a couple in the

All through the night
With a radio and he plays it
There's a man next door

I've got to find me a quiet place
(I've got to move)
I've got to move
In this noisy street
I can't get no sleep

Your Johnny Dollar
Ain't nobody seen
Why do you holler?
Lady, lady, lady

Johnny, Johnny Dollar

Relevant Tags:
AA QQuiet PPlace uiet lace A uQiet lPace z auiet 0lace zA aQuiet 0Place Az Qauiet P0lace q 2uiet llace qA 2Quiet lPlace Aq Q2uiet Pllace
s wuiet olace sA wQuiet oPlace As Qwuiet Polace w suiet wA sQuiet Pace Aw Qsuiet Palce x 1uiet Pkace xA 1Quiet Pklace Ax Q1uiet Plkace
Quuiet Poace Qiet Qiuet Ploace Qhiet Ppace Qhuiet Pplace Quhiet Plpace Q7iet Plaace Q7uiet Plce Qu7iet Plcae
Qkiet Plzce Qkuiet Plzace Qukiet Plazce Qiiet Plqce Qiuiet Plqace Quiiet Plaqce Q8iet Plsce Q8uiet Plsace Qu8iet Plasce
Qjiet Plwce Qjuiet Plwace Qujiet Plawce Qyiet Plxce Qyuiet Plxace Quyiet Plaxce Placce Quet Plae Queit Plaec
Qujet Plafe Plafce Quijet Placfe Qu9et Plaxe Qu9iet Qui9et Placxe Qulet Plave Quliet Plavce Quilet Placve

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