Gardens Of Gehenna
Gods Of Gloom

There is something going on
And it's rough
And it's cruel
And it's deeply satisfying

There is something from inside
That is huge, that is cruel
That is something
That you'll never understand

Somewhere beyond the far horizon
The Gods of gloom and gore arise
Where from an everlasting wound
Bleeding are the western skies

The darkness talks if you do listen
The silence will dance at times
If you don't live within this world
You'll never know about the fight

That's fought within myself so often
You'll never know what demons dream
How wolves became a part of me
How crows and ravens rule the night

Watch me rise
As I celebrate your decay
Watch me grow
As I fall and pray

Mirror lyrics:

As I fall and pray
Watch me grow
As I celebrate your decay
Watch me rise

How crows and ravens rule the night
How wolves became a part of me
You'll never know what demons dream
That's fought within myself so often

You'll never know about the fight
If you don't live within this world
The silence will dance at times
The darkness talks if you do listen

Bleeding are the western skies
Where from an everlasting wound
The Gods of gloom and gore arise
Somewhere beyond the far horizon

That you'll never understand
That is something
That is huge, that is cruel
There is something from inside

And it's deeply satisfying
And it's cruel
And it's rough
There is something going on

Relevant Tags:
GGods OOf GGloom ods f loom oGds fO lGoom hods kf hloom hGods kOf hGloom Ghods Okf Ghloom yods 9f yloom yGods 9Of yGloom Gyods O9f Gyloom
bods 0f bloom bGods 0Of bGloom Gbods O0f Gbloom vods lf vloom vGods lOf vGloom Gvods Olf Gvloom fods if floom fGods iOf fGloom Gfods Oif Gfloom
tods Off tloom tGods O tGloom Gtods Of Gtloom Goods Oc Glloom Gds Ocf Goom Gdos Ofc Golom Gkds Or Gkoom Gkods Orf Gkloom Gokds Ofr Glkoom
G9ds Og Gooom G9ods Ogf Goloom Go9ds Ofg Glooom G0ds Ot Gpoom G0ods Otf Gploom Go0ds Oft Glpoom Glds Ov Glods Ovf Glom Golds Ofv Gloom
Gids Od Glkom Giods Odf Goids Ofd Glokom

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