Chaos In Flesh

Open your arms, show me your envy

The fury that makes

Do you cry out when you're in need?

Or do you just act like you're more mean?

So would you hold on now

Let the fate decide?

So would you hold on now

When our sorrow rise?

You are the chaos hidden in dreams

The ones that keep me awake

You are all evil, gathered in

One big monster machine

Force out control

Reign us with fury

Spinning in this endless machine

An eternal session within

You're chaos without limits

You're the sense to control

Evil is inside us all

But you won't get my soul

Mirror lyrics:

But you won't get my soul

Evil is inside us all

You're the sense to control

You're chaos without limits

An eternal session within

Spinning in this endless machine

Reign us with fury

Force out control

One big monster machine

You are all evil, gathered in

The ones that keep me awake

You are the chaos hidden in dreams

When our sorrow rise?

So would you hold on now

Let the fate decide?

So would you hold on now

Or do you just act like you're more mean?

Do you cry out when you're in need?

The fury that makes

Open your arms, show me your envy

Relevant Tags:
CChaos IIn FFlesh haos n lesh hCaos nI lFesh fhaos jn clesh fChaos jIn cFlesh Cfhaos Ijn Fclesh xhaos 9n rlesh xChaos 9In rFlesh
Cxhaos I9n Frlesh vhaos ln glesh vChaos lIn gFlesh Cvhaos Iln Fglesh dhaos on tlesh dChaos oIn tFlesh Cdhaos Ion Ftlesh Chhaos kn vlesh
Caos kIn vFlesh Cahos Ikn Fvlesh Cjaos 8n dlesh Cjhaos 8In dFlesh Chjaos I8n Fdlesh Cuaos un Fllesh Cuhaos uIn Fesh Chuaos Iun Felsh
Cnaos Inn Fkesh Cnhaos I Fklesh Chnaos In Flkesh Cbaos Im Foesh Cbhaos Imn Folesh Chbaos Inm Floesh Cgaos Ih Fpesh Cghaos Ihn Fplesh
Chgaos Inh Flpesh Cyaos Ij Fleesh Cyhaos Flsh Chyaos Inj Flseh Chaaos Ib Flssh Chos Ibn Flsesh Choas Inb Flessh Chzos Fl3sh
Chzaos Fl3esh Chazos Fle3sh Chqos Flfsh Chqaos Flfesh Chaqos Flefsh Chsos Flrsh Chsaos Flresh Chasos Flersh

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