Temptation Waits

I'll tell you something
I am a wolf but
I like to wear sheep's clothing
I am a bonfire
I am a vampire
I'm waiting for my moment

You come on like a drug
I just can't get enough
I'm like an addict coming at you for a little more
And there's so much at stake
I can't afford to wait
I never needed anybody like this before

I'll tell you something
I am a demon
Some say my biggest weakness
I have my reasons
Call it my defence
Be careful what you're wishing

You come on like a drug
I just can't get enough
I'm like an addict coming at you for a little more
And there's so much at stake
I can't afford to wait
I never needed anybody like this before

You are a secret
A new possession
I like to keep you guessing

You come on like a drug
I just can't get enough
I'm like an addict coming at you for a little more
And there's so much at stake
I can't afford to wait
I never needed anybody like this before

When I'm not sure what I'm living for (when I'm not sure who I am)
When I'm not sure what I'm looking for (when I'm not sure who I am)
When I'm not sure what I'm living for (when I'm not sure who I am)
When I'm not sure what I'm looking for (when I'm not sure who I am)

When I'm not sure what I'm living for
When I'm not sure what I'm looking for
When I'm not sure what I'm living for...

Mirror lyrics:

When I'm not sure what I'm living for...
When I'm not sure what I'm looking for
When I'm not sure what I'm living for

When I'm not sure what I'm looking for (when I'm not sure who I am)
When I'm not sure what I'm living for (when I'm not sure who I am)
When I'm not sure what I'm looking for (when I'm not sure who I am)
When I'm not sure what I'm living for (when I'm not sure who I am)

I never needed anybody like this before
I can't afford to wait
And there's so much at stake
I'm like an addict coming at you for a little more
I just can't get enough
You come on like a drug

I like to keep you guessing
A new possession
You are a secret

I never needed anybody like this before
I can't afford to wait
And there's so much at stake
I'm like an addict coming at you for a little more
I just can't get enough
You come on like a drug

Be careful what you're wishing
Call it my defence
I have my reasons
Some say my biggest weakness
I am a demon
I'll tell you something

I never needed anybody like this before
I can't afford to wait
And there's so much at stake
I'm like an addict coming at you for a little more
I just can't get enough
You come on like a drug

I'm waiting for my moment
I am a vampire
I am a bonfire
I like to wear sheep's clothing
I am a wolf but
I'll tell you something

Relevant Tags:
TTemptation WWaits emptation aits eTmptation aWits femptation aaits fTemptation aWaits Tfemptation Waaits 5emptation 3aits
5Temptation 3Waits T5emptation W3aits hemptation daits hTemptation dWaits Themptation Wdaits yemptation eaits yTemptation eWaits
Tyemptation Weaits 6emptation saits 6Temptation sWaits T6emptation Wsaits gemptation 2aits gTemptation 2Waits Tgemptation W2aits
remptation qaits rTemptation qWaits Tremptation Wqaits Teemptation Tmptation Wits Tmeptation Wiats Tsmptation Wzits
Tsemptation Wzaits Tesmptation Wazits T3mptation Wqits T3emptation Te3mptation Waqits Tfmptation Wsits Tefmptation Wasits
Trmptation Wwits Wwaits Termptation Wawits T4mptation Wxits T4emptation Wxaits Te4mptation Waxits Tdmptation Waiits
Tdemptation Wats Tedmptation Watis Twmptation Wajts Twemptation Wajits Tewmptation Waijts Temmptation Wa9ts Teptation Wa9its
Tepmtation Wai9ts Tejptation Walts Tejmptation Walits Temjptation Wailts Tekptation Waots Tekmptation Waoits Temkptation Waiots
Tenptation Wakts Tenmptation Wakits Temnptation Waikts Tempptation Wa8ts Temtation Wa8its Temtpation Wai8ts Tem0tation Wauts
Tem0ptation Wauits Temp0tation Waiuts Temltation Waitts Temlptation Wais Templtation Waist Temotation Waifs Temoptation Waifts
Tempotation Waitfs Tempttation Wai5s Tempation Wai5ts Tempattion Wait5s Tempfation Waihs Tempftation Waihts Temptfation Waiths
Temp5ation Waiys Temp5tation Waiyts Tempt5ation Waitys Temphation Wai6s Temphtation Wai6ts Tempthation Wait6s Tempyation Waigs
Tempytation Waigts Temptyation Waitgs Temp6ation Wairs Temp6tation Wairts Tempt6ation Waitrs Tempgation Waitss Tempgtation Wait
Temptgation Waits Tempration Waitz

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