Gene Pitney
True Love Never Runs Smooth

Verse 1:

Stand beside me all the while no matter what goes wrong
Separately we're weak, together we'll be strong
Fo-or true love never runs smooth, but I don't care
'cause true love is worth all the pain, the heartaches and tears
That we may sha-are.

{repeat first line of verse 1: substituting la-la-la-la-la-la-la}

Verse 2:

When the world outside my arms is pulling us apart
Press your lips to mine and hold me with your heart
Fo-or true love never runs smooth, that's what they say
But true love is worth all the pain, the heartaches and tears
We have to fa-ace.

{repeat first 2 lines of verse 1: substituting la-la-la-la-la-la-la}

Fo-or true love never runs smooth, that's what they say
But true love is worth all the pain, the heartaches and tears
We have to fa-ace.

{repeat just first line of verse 1: substituting la-la-la-la-la-la-la}
{repeat just first line of verse 1: substituting la-la-la-la-la-la-la}

Mirror lyrics:

{repeat just first line of verse 1: substituting la-la-la-la-la-la-la}
{repeat just first line of verse 1: substituting la-la-la-la-la-la-la}

We have to fa-ace.
But true love is worth all the pain, the heartaches and tears
Fo-or true love never runs smooth, that's what they say

{repeat first 2 lines of verse 1: substituting la-la-la-la-la-la-la}

We have to fa-ace.
But true love is worth all the pain, the heartaches and tears
Fo-or true love never runs smooth, that's what they say
Press your lips to mine and hold me with your heart
When the world outside my arms is pulling us apart

Verse 2:

{repeat first line of verse 1: substituting la-la-la-la-la-la-la}

That we may sha-are.
'cause true love is worth all the pain, the heartaches and tears
Fo-or true love never runs smooth, but I don't care
Separately we're weak, together we'll be strong
Stand beside me all the while no matter what goes wrong

Verse 1:

Relevant Tags:
TTrue LLove NNever RRuns SSmooth rue ove ever uns mooth rTue oLve eNver uRns mSooth frue kove mever duns zmooth fTrue kLove mNever dRuns zSmooth
Tfrue Lkove Nmever Rduns Szmooth 5rue oove hever 4uns wmooth 5True oLove hNever 4Runs wSmooth T5rue Loove Nhever R4uns Swmooth hrue pove jever guns dmooth
hTrue pLove jNever gRuns dSmooth Thrue Lpove Njever Rguns Sdmooth yrue bever tuns emooth yTrue Lve bNever tRuns eSmooth Tyrue Lvoe Nbever Rtuns Semooth
6rue Lkve Neever 5uns xmooth 6True Nver 5Runs xSmooth T6rue Lokve Nveer R5uns Sxmooth grue L9ve Nsver funs amooth gTrue L9ove Nsever fRuns aSmooth
Tgrue Lo9ve Nesver Rfuns Samooth rrue L0ve N3ver euns Smmooth rTrue L0ove N3ever eRuns Sooth Trrue Lo0ve Ne3ver Reuns Somoth Llve Nfver Ruuns Sjooth
Tue Llove Nfever Rns Sjmooth Ture Lolve Nefver Rnus Smjooth Tdue Live Nrver Rhns Skooth Tdrue Liove Nrever Rhuns Skmooth Trdue Loive Nerver Ruhns Smkooth
T4ue Lovve N4ver R7ns Snooth T4rue Loe N4ever R7uns Snmooth Tr4ue Loev Ne4ver Ru7ns Smnooth Tgue Lobe Ndver Rkns Smoooth Lobve Ndever Rkuns Smoth
Trgue Lovbe Nedver Rukns Smooth Ttue Loce Nwver Rins Smkoth Ttrue Locve Nwever Riuns Trtue Lovce Newver Ruins Smokoth T5ue Loge Nevver R8ns Sm9oth
Logve Neer R8uns Sm9ooth Tr5ue Lovge Neevr Ru8ns Smo9oth Tfue Lofe Neber Rjns Sm0oth Lofve Nebver Rjuns Sm0ooth Trfue Lovfe Nevber Rujns Smo0oth
Teue Lovee Necer Ryns Smloth Terue Lov Necver Ryuns Smlooth Treue Love Nevcer Ruyns Smoloth Truue Lovs Neger Runns Smioth Tre Lovse Negver Rus Smiooth
Treu Loves Nevger Rusn Smoioth

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