Sam Is Your Leader

Bring me your poor, give me your weak,
'Cause I can make strong, the man who can't speak.
I'm out on my own in the field of life,
Harvesting souls for your children and wife.

Sam is your leader,
The eagle has flown.
He's making mountains,
Out of skin and bone.
Sam is your leader,
The eagle is here.
I'd like to hate you ..
But I love you dear.

A nation of nations where wisdom are pearls,
The lip of anger is starting to curl.
The immigrants rally, hand on their hearts,
Bearing the load that's stacked on the cart.

In the Tinsel Town country where a cowboy is king,
A fortified pheonix takes to the wing.
Defending old glory and turning invader,
Liberties torch is a hand held Grenada.

Mirror lyrics:

Liberties torch is a hand held Grenada.
Defending old glory and turning invader,
A fortified pheonix takes to the wing.
In the Tinsel Town country where a cowboy is king,

Bearing the load that's stacked on the cart.
The immigrants rally, hand on their hearts,
The lip of anger is starting to curl.
A nation of nations where wisdom are pearls,

But I love you dear.
I'd like to hate you ..
The eagle is here.
Sam is your leader,
Out of skin and bone.
He's making mountains,
The eagle has flown.
Sam is your leader,

Harvesting souls for your children and wife.
I'm out on my own in the field of life,
'Cause I can make strong, the man who can't speak.
Bring me your poor, give me your weak,

Relevant Tags:
SSam IIs YYour LLeader am s our eader aSm sI oYur eLader zam js gour keader zSam jIs gYour kLeader Szam Ijs Ygour Lkeader
wam 9s hour oeader wSam 9Is hYour oLeader Swam I9s Yhour Loeader dam ls 6our peader dSam lIs 6Your pLeader Sdam Ils Y6our Lpeader
eam os uour Leeader eSam oIs uYour Lader Seam Ios Yuour Laeder xam ks 7our Lsader xSam kIs 7Your Lseader Sxam Iks Y7our Lesader
aam 8s jour L3ader aSam 8Is jYour L3eader Saam I8s Yjour Le3ader us tour Lfader Sm uIs tYour Lfeader Sma Ius Ytour Lefader
Szm Iss Yoour Lrader I Yur Lreader Sazm Is Yuor Lerader Sqm Iz Ykur L4ader Sqam Izs Ykour L4eader Saqm Isz Yokur Le4ader
Ssm Iw Y9ur Ldader Ssam Iws Y9our Ldeader Sasm Isw Yo9ur Ledader Swm Id Y0ur Lwader Ids Y0our Lweader Sawm Isd Yo0ur Lewader
Sxm Ie Ylur Leaader Ies Ylour Leder Saxm Ise Yolur Ledaer Samm Ix Yiur Lezder Sa Ixs Yiour Lezader Sam Isx Yoiur Leazder
Saj Ia Youur Leqder Sajm Ias Yor Leqader Samj Isa Yoru Leaqder Sak Yohr Lesder Sakm Yohur Samk Youhr Leasder
San Yo7r Lewder Sanm Yo7ur Samn You7r Leawder Yokr Lexder Lexader Youkr Leaxder
Yoir Leadder

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