Moon Addicted

I lost my body in a cool damn night
I was blinded by the shimmering light
Now i'm just flying around
Without a word without a sound
Without a word without a ...

I lost my path
I found my way
Are you talking to me
I'm too high i can't hear what you say
Without a word without a sound
I'm too high i can't hear what you say
I'm too high i can't hear what...i...

Fade away now
We´re just a little bit moonaddicted
Forget the day now
We´re just a little bit moonaddicted

Fade away now
We´re just a little bit moonaddicted
Forget the day now
We´re just a little bit moonaddicted

Now i'm just flying around
And i'm just wondering
What all the people are
Doing here
Underneath the clouds

Fade away now
We´re just a little bit moonaddicted
Forget the day now
We´re just a little bit moonaddicted

Fade away now
We´re just a little bit moonaddicted
Forget the day now
We´re just a little bit moonaddicted

Fade away now
We´re just a little bit moonaddicted
Forget the day now
We´re just a little bit moonaddicted

Fade away now
We´re just a little bit moonaddicted
Forget the day now

Mirror lyrics:

Forget the day now
We´re just a little bit moonaddicted
Fade away now

We´re just a little bit moonaddicted
Forget the day now
We´re just a little bit moonaddicted
Fade away now

We´re just a little bit moonaddicted
Forget the day now
We´re just a little bit moonaddicted
Fade away now

We´re just a little bit moonaddicted
Forget the day now
We´re just a little bit moonaddicted
Fade away now

Underneath the clouds
Doing here
What all the people are
And i'm just wondering
Now i'm just flying around

We´re just a little bit moonaddicted
Forget the day now
We´re just a little bit moonaddicted
Fade away now

We´re just a little bit moonaddicted
Forget the day now
We´re just a little bit moonaddicted
Fade away now

I'm too high i can't hear what...i...
I'm too high i can't hear what you say
Without a word without a sound
I'm too high i can't hear what you say
Are you talking to me
I found my way
I lost my path

Without a word without a ...
Without a word without a sound
Now i'm just flying around
I was blinded by the shimmering light
I lost my body in a cool damn night

Relevant Tags:
MMoon AAddicted oon ddicted oMon dAdicted joon zddicted jMoon zAddicted Mjoon Azddicted koon qddicted kMoon qAddicted Mkoon Aqddicted
noon sddicted nMoon sAddicted Mnoon Asddicted Mooon wddicted Mon wAddicted Moon Awddicted Mkon xddicted xAddicted Mokon Axddicted
M9on Adddicted M9oon Adicted Mo9on Addicted M0on Axdicted M0oon Mo0on Adxdicted Mlon Aedicted Mloon Aeddicted Molon Adedicted
Mion Afdicted Mioon Afddicted Moion Adfdicted Ardicted Arddicted Mono Adrdicted Mokn Acdicted Acddicted Mookn Adcdicted
Mo9n Asdicted Moo9n Adsdicted Mo0n Moo0n Adidcted Moln Adxicted Mooln Addxicted Moin Adeicted Mooin Addeicted Moonn Adficted
Moo Addficted Moom Adricted Moomn Moonm Addricted Mooh Adcicted Moohn Moonh Addcicted Mooj Adsicted
Moojn Moonj Addsicted Moob Addiicted Moobn Addcted Moonb Addcited Addjcted Addjicted Addijcted Add9cted
Add9icted Addi9cted Addlcted Addlicted Addilcted Addocted Addoicted Addiocted

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