Funker Vogt
Fallen Hero

They called me the tragic hero
They avoided my company
My names were only whispered
Just a tale for a moonless night

Fallen hero fits much better
To describe my true fate
Once a fighter for the light
Reduced to an observer

And again I hear the voices
A distant thunder through the night
The angel of destruction
Summoning her fellows for the fight

Now the time has come and yet you stand alone
The enemy is mighty and too strong
Without any help you will loose on your own
So you call out for me to come along

Now this can turn my fate
Revive my true confession
To be a fighter once again
Standing here by your side

This might be my last mission
The final fight for mankind
Reunited on the eve of the apocalypse

And again I hear the voices
A distant thunder through the night
The angel of destruction
Summoning her fellows for the fight


Mirror lyrics:


Summoning her fellows for the fight
The angel of destruction
A distant thunder through the night
And again I hear the voices

Reunited on the eve of the apocalypse
The final fight for mankind
This might be my last mission

Standing here by your side
To be a fighter once again
Revive my true confession
Now this can turn my fate

So you call out for me to come along
Without any help you will loose on your own
The enemy is mighty and too strong
Now the time has come and yet you stand alone

Summoning her fellows for the fight
The angel of destruction
A distant thunder through the night
And again I hear the voices

Reduced to an observer
Once a fighter for the light
To describe my true fate
Fallen hero fits much better

Just a tale for a moonless night
My names were only whispered
They avoided my company
They called me the tragic hero

Relevant Tags:
FFallen HHero allen ero aFllen eHro callen jero cFallen jHero Fcallen Hjero rallen uero rFallen uHero Frallen Huero gallen nero
gFallen nHero Fgallen Hnero tallen bero tFallen bHero Ftallen Hbero vallen gero vFallen gHero Fvallen Hgero dallen yero dFallen yHero
Fdallen Hyero Faallen Heero Fllen Hro Flalen Hreo Fzllen Hsro Fzallen Hsero Fazllen Hesro Fqllen H3ro Fqallen H3ero Faqllen He3ro
Fsllen Hfro Fsallen Hfero Fasllen Hefro Fwllen Hrro Fwallen Hrero Fawllen Herro Fxllen H4ro Fxallen H4ero Faxllen He4ro Falllen Hdro
Falen Hdero Fallen Hedro Faklen Hwro Fakllen Hwero Falklen Hewro Faolen Faollen Heo Falolen Heor

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