Comin' Round The Mountain

Comin' around the mountain when she comes
Ridin' two white horses when she comes
Comin' around the mountain when she comes
Get out on the dancefloor when she comes

Doin' it!
Because we like it
Doin' it!
Just for fun

Comin' around the mountain when she comes
Ridin' two white horses when she comes
Comin' around the mountain when she comes
Get out on the dancefloor when she comes

Doin' it!
Because we like it
Doin' it!
Just for fun

Comin' around the mountain when she comes
Ridin' two white horses when she comes
Comin' around the mountain when she comes
Get out on the dancefloor when she comes

Comin' around the mountain when she comes
Ridin' two white horses when she comes
Comin' around the mountain when she comes
Ridin' two white horses when she comes

Doin' it!
Because we like it
Doin' it!
Just for fun

Comin' around the mountain when she comes
Ridin' two white horses when she comes

Mirror lyrics:

Ridin' two white horses when she comes
Comin' around the mountain when she comes

Just for fun
Doin' it!
Because we like it
Doin' it!

Ridin' two white horses when she comes
Comin' around the mountain when she comes
Ridin' two white horses when she comes
Comin' around the mountain when she comes

Get out on the dancefloor when she comes
Comin' around the mountain when she comes
Ridin' two white horses when she comes
Comin' around the mountain when she comes

Just for fun
Doin' it!
Because we like it
Doin' it!

Get out on the dancefloor when she comes
Comin' around the mountain when she comes
Ridin' two white horses when she comes
Comin' around the mountain when she comes

Just for fun
Doin' it!
Because we like it
Doin' it!

Get out on the dancefloor when she comes
Comin' around the mountain when she comes
Ridin' two white horses when she comes
Comin' around the mountain when she comes

Relevant Tags:
CComin' RRound TThe MMountain omin' ound he ountain oCmin' oRund hTe oMuntain fomin' dound fhe jountain fComin' dRound fThe jMountain
Cfomin' Rdound Tfhe Mjountain xomin' 4ound 5he kountain xComin' 4Round 5The kMountain Cxomin' R4ound T5he Mkountain vomin' gound hhe nountain
vComin' gRound hThe nMountain Cvomin' Rgound Thhe Mnountain domin' tound yhe Moountain dComin' tRound yThe Muntain Cdomin' Rtound Tyhe Muontain
Coomin' 5ound 6he Mkuntain Cmin' 5Round 6The Cmoin' R5ound T6he Mokuntain Ckmin' found ghe M9untain Ckomin' fRound gThe M9ountain
Cokmin' Rfound Tghe Mo9untain C9min' eound rhe M0untain C9omin' eRound rThe M0ountain Co9min' Reound Trhe Mo0untain C0min' Roound Mluntain
C0omin' Rund Te Mlountain Co0min' Ruond Teh Moluntain Clmin' Rkund Tje Miuntain Clomin' Rkound Tjhe Miountain Colmin' Rokund Thje Moiuntain
Cimin' R9und Tue Mouuntain Ciomin' R9ound Tuhe Montain Coimin' Ro9und Thue Monutain Commin' R0und Tne Mohntain Coin' R0ound Tnhe Mohuntain
Coimn' Ro0und Thne Mouhntain Cojin' Rlund Tbe Mo7ntain Cojmin' Rlound Tbhe Mo7untain Comjin' Rolund Thbe Mou7ntain Cokin' Riund Tge Mokntain
Riound Comkin' Roiund Thge Moukntain Conin' Rouund Tye Mointain Conmin' Rond Comnin' Ronud Thye Mouintain
Comiin' Rohnd Thee Mo8ntain Comn' Rohund Th Mo8untain Comni' Rouhnd The Mou8ntain Comjn' Ro7nd Ths Mojntain Ro7und Thse Mojuntain
Comijn' Rou7nd Thes Moujntain Com9n' Roknd Th3 Moyntain Com9in' Th3e Moyuntain Comi9n' Rouknd The3 Mouyntain Comln' Roind Thf Mounntain
Comlin' Thfe Moutain Comiln' Rouind Thef Moutnain Comon' Ro8nd Thr Moumtain Comoin' Ro8und Thre Moumntain Comion' Rou8nd Ther Mounmtain
Comkn' Rojnd Th4 Mouhtain Rojund Th4e Comikn' Roujnd The4 Mounhtain Com8n' Roynd Thd Moujtain Com8in' Royund Thde
Comi8n' Rouynd Thed Mounjtain Comun' Rounnd Thw Moubtain Comuin' Roud Thwe Moubntain Comiun' Roudn Thew Mounbtain Cominn' Roumd Mounttain
Comi' Roumnd Mounain Comi'n Rounmd Mounatin

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