Eulogy And Light

Our father which art on Wall Street

Honored be thy buck

Thy kingdom came, this be thy year

From sea to shining sea

Thou givest me false pride, funked down by the riverside

From every head and ass may dollars flow

Give us this pay, our daily bread

Forgive us our goofs as we rob from each other

He maketh me to sell dope to small children

For thou art evil and we adore thee

Thy destruction and thy power, they comfort me

My Cadillac and my pinky ring, they restoreth me in thee

Yeah, though I walk through the valley of the shadow

Of poverty, I must feel their envy

For I am loaded, high and all those other goodies

That go along with the good God, big buck

To your horse a [Incomprehensible] grows there

Ahead in time, the unexpected

Soul-searching beam of the strobe

But now, the stairway looms and as I rise

The cries of kittens, gray, make way

For there, now near, here now, gone, alone

I feel my wrist, it flicks the switch

No lights reveal the room or me

She sees, then panics, grabs a light

I scream, silent comforts that are not heard

I panic, for I have not said a word

Hysteria holds the room in sway

I back away I run, I back away to hide

From what? From fear? The truth, the light?

Is truth the light?

Mirror lyrics:

Is truth the light?

From what? From fear? The truth, the light?

I back away I run, I back away to hide

Hysteria holds the room in sway

I panic, for I have not said a word

I scream, silent comforts that are not heard

She sees, then panics, grabs a light

No lights reveal the room or me

I feel my wrist, it flicks the switch

For there, now near, here now, gone, alone

The cries of kittens, gray, make way

But now, the stairway looms and as I rise

Soul-searching beam of the strobe

Ahead in time, the unexpected

To your horse a [Incomprehensible] grows there

That go along with the good God, big buck

For I am loaded, high and all those other goodies

Of poverty, I must feel their envy

Yeah, though I walk through the valley of the shadow

My Cadillac and my pinky ring, they restoreth me in thee

Thy destruction and thy power, they comfort me

For thou art evil and we adore thee

He maketh me to sell dope to small children

Forgive us our goofs as we rob from each other

Give us this pay, our daily bread

From every head and ass may dollars flow

Thou givest me false pride, funked down by the riverside

From sea to shining sea

Thy kingdom came, this be thy year

Honored be thy buck

Our father which art on Wall Street

Relevant Tags:
EEulogy AAnd LLight ulogy nd ight uElogy nAd iLght sulogy znd kight sEulogy zAnd kLight Esulogy Aznd Lkight 3ulogy qnd oight
3Eulogy qAnd oLight E3ulogy Aqnd Loight fulogy snd pight fEulogy sAnd pLight Efulogy Asnd Lpight rulogy wnd Liight rEulogy wAnd Lght
Erulogy Awnd Lgiht 4ulogy xnd Ljght 4Eulogy xAnd Ljight E4ulogy Axnd Lijght dulogy Annd L9ght dEulogy Ad L9ight Edulogy Adn Li9ght
wulogy Amd Llght wEulogy Amnd Llight Ewulogy Anmd Lilght Euulogy Ahd Loght Elogy Ahnd Eluogy Anhd Lioght Ehlogy Ajd Lkght
Ehulogy Ajnd Euhlogy Anjd Likght E7logy Abd L8ght E7ulogy Abnd L8ight Eu7logy Anbd Li8ght Eklogy Andd Lught Ekulogy An Luight
Euklogy And Liught Eilogy Anx Ligght Eiulogy Anxd Liht Euilogy Andx Lihgt E8logy Ane Lihht E8ulogy Aned Lihght Eu8logy Ande Lighht
Ejlogy Anf Liyht Ejulogy Anfd Liyght Eujlogy Andf Ligyht Eylogy Anr Libht Eyulogy Anrd Libght Euylogy Andr Ligbht Eullogy Anc Livht
Euogy Ancd Livght Euolgy Andc Ligvht Eukogy Ans Lifht Ansd Lifght Eulkogy Ands Ligfht Euoogy Litht Euology Litght
Euloogy Ligtht Eupogy

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