Two Beats Off

I cut my nails to the quick
But still i was caught with my hand in the till
Give me something,
Give me anything
The threat of everything is when it becomes nothing at all
Fingers reaching, trophy swelling
That's when desire trips me up.
Got a new technique money let's the pieces fit where they fall.
Privilege - it sanctions everything.
Security - a net under it all.
My fingers reaching, the trophy swelling
That's when desire trips me up.
I cut my nails to the quick
But still I was caught with my hand in the till.

Mirror lyrics:

But still I was caught with my hand in the till.
I cut my nails to the quick
That's when desire trips me up.
My fingers reaching, the trophy swelling
Security - a net under it all.
Privilege - it sanctions everything.
Got a new technique money let's the pieces fit where they fall.
That's when desire trips me up.
Fingers reaching, trophy swelling
The threat of everything is when it becomes nothing at all
Give me anything
Give me something,
But still i was caught with my hand in the till
I cut my nails to the quick

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TTwo BBeats OOff wo eats ff wTo eBats fOf fwo veats kff fTwo vBeats kOff Tfwo Bveats Okff 5wo geats 9ff 5Two gBeats 9Off T5wo Bgeats O9ff
hwo neats 0ff hTwo nBeats 0Off Thwo Bneats O0ff ywo heats lff yTwo hBeats lOff Tywo Bheats Olff 6wo Beeats iff 6Two Bats iOff T6wo Baets Oiff
gwo Bsats Offf gTwo Bseats Of Tgwo Besats Off rwo B3ats Ocf rTwo B3eats Ocff Trwo Be3ats Ofcf Twwo Bfats Orf To Bfeats Orff Tow Befats Ofrf
Tao Brats Ogf Tawo Breats Ogff Twao Berats Ofgf T3o B4ats Otf T3wo B4eats Otff Tw3o Be4ats Oftf Tdo Bdats Ovf Tdwo Bdeats Ovff Twdo Bedats Ofvf
Teo Bwats Odf Tewo Bweats Odff Tweo Bewats Ofdf Tso Beaats Tswo Bets Twso Betas T2o Bezts Ofc T2wo Bezats Tw2o Beazts Offc
Tqo Beqts Ofr Tqwo Beqats Twqo Beaqts Offr Twoo Bests Ofg Tw

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