Fun Lovin' Criminals
The Biz

I got my lovin and it's alright,
Suga is sweet,
But sometime she bite.
Pucker up baby and make it tight,
livin' my life,
Keep me up all night.
Shake that ass until it's sore,
Four click hole baby let it pour
Now it's 2 men at once
Hey now f**k this score
Gimme One, Two, Three, Four...

Music Industry,
That is what we are,
No-one plays for free
And everyone's a star,
Sign the dotted line
We can have lunch sometime
And we can lie to each other, aahhh

We sign the deal and we make it nice
so pour your suits and give you quality ice
You can't live your dreams at twice the price
We're the house,
But you can role the dice.
Now back in the day people lived in fear,
They bought no records
So they could not hear
The s**t that I'm bustin' up
In your ear
So come on man, be with ya peers!

(Chorus 2x)


(Chorus 2x)

Mirror lyrics:

(Chorus 2x)


(Chorus 2x)

So come on man, be with ya peers!
In your ear
The s**t that I'm bustin' up
So they could not hear
They bought no records
Now back in the day people lived in fear,
But you can role the dice.
We're the house,
You can't live your dreams at twice the price
so pour your suits and give you quality ice
We sign the deal and we make it nice

And we can lie to each other, aahhh
We can have lunch sometime
Sign the dotted line
And everyone's a star,
No-one plays for free
That is what we are,
Music Industry,

Gimme One, Two, Three, Four...
Hey now f**k this score
Now it's 2 men at once
Four click hole baby let it pour
Shake that ass until it's sore,
Keep me up all night.
livin' my life,
Pucker up baby and make it tight,
But sometime she bite.
Suga is sweet,
I got my lovin and it's alright,

Relevant Tags:
TThe BBiz he iz hTe iBz fhe viz fThe vBiz Tfhe Bviz 5he giz 5The gBiz T5he Bgiz hhe niz hThe nBiz
Thhe Bniz yhe hiz yThe hBiz Tyhe Bhiz 6he Biiz 6The Bz T6he Bzi ghe Bjz gThe Bjiz Tghe Bijz rhe B9z
rThe B9iz Trhe Bi9z Blz Te Bliz Teh Bilz Tje Boz Tjhe Boiz Thje Bioz Tue Bkz Tuhe Bkiz Thue Bikz

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