If You Ever (feat. East 17)

The very first time that I saw your brown eyes
Your lips said hello and I said hi
I knew right then you were the one
But I was caught up in physical attraction
But to my satisfaction
Baby, you were more than just a friend

And if you ever fall in love again now baby
You must make sure that the lady is a friend
And if you ever fall in love so true now baby
You must be sure that she feels the same way, too

If I said that I would be your one and only
Promise that you'd never leave me lonely
I just want to be the one you need
I just want to be the one to serve you
Somtimes I feel as if I don't deserve you
I cherish every moment that we shared

And if you ever fall in love again now baby
You must make sure that the lady is a friend
And if you ever fall in love so true now baby
You must be sure that she feels the same way, too

The very first time that I saw your brown eyes
Your lips said hello and I said hi
I knew right then you were the one
And I was caught up in physical attraction
But to my satisfaction
Baby, you were more than just a friend

And if you ever fall in love again now baby
You must make sure that the lady is a friend
And if you ever fall in love so true now baby
You must be sure that she feels the same way, too

And if you ever fall in love again now baby
You must make sure that the lady is a friend
And if you ever fall in love so true now baby
You must be sure that she feels the same way, too

And if you ever fall in love again now baby
You must make sure that the lady is a friend
And if you ever fall in love so true now baby
You must be sure that she feels the same way, too

Mirror lyrics:

You must be sure that she feels the same way, too
And if you ever fall in love so true now baby
You must make sure that the lady is a friend
And if you ever fall in love again now baby

You must be sure that she feels the same way, too
And if you ever fall in love so true now baby
You must make sure that the lady is a friend
And if you ever fall in love again now baby

You must be sure that she feels the same way, too
And if you ever fall in love so true now baby
You must make sure that the lady is a friend
And if you ever fall in love again now baby

Baby, you were more than just a friend
But to my satisfaction
And I was caught up in physical attraction
I knew right then you were the one
Your lips said hello and I said hi
The very first time that I saw your brown eyes

You must be sure that she feels the same way, too
And if you ever fall in love so true now baby
You must make sure that the lady is a friend
And if you ever fall in love again now baby

I cherish every moment that we shared
Somtimes I feel as if I don't deserve you
I just want to be the one to serve you
I just want to be the one you need
Promise that you'd never leave me lonely
If I said that I would be your one and only

You must be sure that she feels the same way, too
And if you ever fall in love so true now baby
You must make sure that the lady is a friend
And if you ever fall in love again now baby

Baby, you were more than just a friend
But to my satisfaction
But I was caught up in physical attraction
I knew right then you were the one
Your lips said hello and I said hi
The very first time that I saw your brown eyes

Relevant Tags:
IIf YYou EEver ((feat. EEast 117) f ou ver feat. ast 7) fI oYu vEer f(eat. aEst 71) jf gou sver (ffeat. sast 27) jIf gYou sEver (eat. sEast 217)
Ijf Ygou Esver (efat. Esast 127) 9f hou 3ver (ceat. 3ast q7) 9If hYou 3Ever (cfeat. 3East q17) I9f Yhou E3ver (fceat. E3ast 1q7) lf 6ou fver (reat. fast 177)
lIf 6You fEver (rfeat. fEast 1) Ilf Y6ou Efver (freat. Efast 1)7 of uou rver (geat. rast 18) oIf uYou rEver (gfeat. rEast 187) Iof Yuou Erver (fgeat. Erast 178)
kf 7ou 4ver (teat. 4ast 1y) kIf 7You 4Ever (tfeat. 4East 1y7) Ikf Y7ou E4ver (fteat. E4ast 17y) 8f jou dver (veat. dast 1u) 8If jYou dEver (vfeat. dEast 1u7)
I8f Yjou Edver (fveat. Edast 17u) uf tou wver (deat. wast 16) uIf tYou wEver (dfeat. wEast 167) Iuf Ytou Ewver (fdeat. Ewast 176) Iff Yoou Evver (feeat. Eaast 17))
I Yu Eer (fat. Est 17 If Yuo Eevr (faet. Esat 17) Ic Yku Eber (fsat. Ezst Icf Ykou Ebver (fseat. Ezast Ifc Yoku Evber (fesat. Eazst
Ir Y9u Ecer (f3at. Eqst Irf Y9ou Ecver (f3eat. Eqast Ifr Yo9u Evcer (fe3at. Eaqst Ig Y0u Eger (ffat. Esst Igf Y0ou Egver
Ifg Yo0u Evger (fefat. Easst It Ylu Efer (frat. Ewst Itf Ylou Ift Yolu Evfer (ferat. Eawst Iv Yiu Eveer (f4at. Exst
Ivf Yiou Evr (f4eat. Exast Ifv Yoiu Evre (fe4at. Eaxst Id Youu Evsr (fdat. Idf Yo Evser Eat

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