Gabe Lopez
Viva! Viva! Nina!

Wear your cardigan or your low-cut dress,
Just as long as your blonde, I must confess,
My favourite game – you know the name,
So love me, love – say that you will.


Viva! Viva! Nina!
Oh, Nina,
Uh-huh, uh-huh, yeah,
Uh-huh, uh-huh, yeah.
Viva! Viva! Nina!
Oh, Nina,
Uh-huh, uh-huh, yeah,
Uh-huh, uh-huh, yeah.

Rise and shine – it's time to go play on the moon,
You will never know if you don't show up by noon,
My favourite place In inner space,
So fool me, fool me – say that you will.


Viva! Viva! Nina!
Oh, Nina,
This is something so new to me.
Uh-huh, uh-huh, yeah.
Viva! Viva! Nina!
Oh, Nina,
There is something for you and me.

You get what you give, and I'm giving so hard,
And, hell yeah, I'll live without playing the “line card,”
I want to explain what all the posters mean,
So come with me and let's leave the land.

Communication breakdown – I can't seem to find you,
An altercation with security – can I get through?!
That's why I came – who is to blame?!
Need me, need me – I know that you do!


Mirror lyrics:


Need me, need me – I know that you do!
That's why I came – who is to blame?!
An altercation with security – can I get through?!
Communication breakdown – I can't seem to find you,

So come with me and let's leave the land.
I want to explain what all the posters mean,
And, hell yeah, I'll live without playing the “line card,”
You get what you give, and I'm giving so hard,

There is something for you and me.
Oh, Nina,
Viva! Viva! Nina!
Uh-huh, uh-huh, yeah.
This is something so new to me.
Oh, Nina,
Viva! Viva! Nina!


So fool me, fool me – say that you will.
My favourite place In inner space,
You will never know if you don't show up by noon,
Rise and shine – it's time to go play on the moon,

Uh-huh, uh-huh, yeah.
Uh-huh, uh-huh, yeah,
Oh, Nina,
Viva! Viva! Nina!
Uh-huh, uh-huh, yeah.
Uh-huh, uh-huh, yeah,
Oh, Nina,
Viva! Viva! Nina!


So love me, love – say that you will.
My favourite game – you know the name,
Just as long as your blonde, I must confess,
Wear your cardigan or your low-cut dress,

Relevant Tags:
VViva! VViva! NNina! iva! iva! ina! iVva! iVva! iNna! biva! biva! mina! bViva! bViva! mNina! Vbiva! Vbiva! Nmina!
civa! civa! hina! cViva! cViva! hNina! Vciva! Vciva! Nhina! giva! giva! jina! gViva! gViva! jNina! Vgiva! Vgiva! Njina!
fiva! fiva! bina! fViva! fViva! bNina! Vfiva! Vfiva! Nbina! Viiva! Viiva! Niina! Vva! Vva! Nna! Vvia! Vvia! Nnia!
Vjva! Vjva! Njna! Vjiva! Vjiva! Vijva! Vijva! Nijna! V9va! V9va! N9na! V9iva! V9iva! N9ina! Vi9va! Vi9va! Ni9na!
Vlva! Vlva! Nlna! Vliva! Vliva! Nlina! Vilva! Vilva! Nilna! Vova! Vova! Nona! Voiva! Voiva! Noina! Viova! Viova! Niona!
Vkva! Vkva! Nkna! Vkiva! Vkiva! Nkina! Vikva! Vikva! Nikna! V8va! V8va! N8na! V8iva! V8iva! N8ina! Vi8va! Vi8va! Ni8na!
Vuva! Vuva! Nuna! Vuiva! Vuiva! Nuina!

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