Gaia Epicus
Inside The Storm

[words & music by Thomas C. Hansen]

Hear the thunder, see the lightning
Feel the rain comes poring down
Hear my heart beat, see my anger
Feel the force that strikes you down

You've betrayed me, for the last time
Now you must pay for your sins
Kneel before me, say you're sorry
Close your eyes and feel the pain

I am trapped again

Inside the storm
We can fly away to the unknown
If you're cold, ill keep you warm
You are safe inside the storm

See the moonlight, hear the voices
You can hear them calling you
Cannot answer, life is fading
There is nothing you can do

Someone's crying, someone's trying
To keep the life in you
Now you're sorry, but it's too late
This is the end for you

You are safe inside
You will join the ride
You are safe inside the storm

Mirror lyrics:

You are safe inside the storm
You will join the ride
You are safe inside

This is the end for you
Now you're sorry, but it's too late
To keep the life in you
Someone's crying, someone's trying

There is nothing you can do
Cannot answer, life is fading
You can hear them calling you
See the moonlight, hear the voices

You are safe inside the storm
If you're cold, ill keep you warm
We can fly away to the unknown
Inside the storm

I am trapped again

Close your eyes and feel the pain
Kneel before me, say you're sorry
Now you must pay for your sins
You've betrayed me, for the last time

Feel the force that strikes you down
Hear my heart beat, see my anger
Feel the rain comes poring down
Hear the thunder, see the lightning

[words & music by Thomas C. Hansen]

Relevant Tags:
IInside TThe SStorm nside he torm nIside hTe tSorm jnside fhe ztorm jInside fThe zStorm Ijnside Tfhe Sztorm 9nside 5he wtorm
9Inside 5The wStorm I9nside T5he Swtorm lnside hhe dtorm lInside hThe dStorm Ilnside Thhe Sdtorm onside yhe etorm oInside yThe eStorm
Ionside Tyhe Setorm knside 6he xtorm kInside 6The xStorm Iknside T6he Sxtorm 8nside ghe atorm 8Inside gThe aStorm I8nside Tghe Satorm
unside rhe Sttorm uInside rThe Sorm Iunside Trhe Sotrm Innside Sform Iside Te Sftorm Isnide Teh Stform Imside Tje S5orm
Imnside Tjhe S5torm Inmside Thje St5orm Ihside Tue Shorm Ihnside Tuhe Shtorm Inhside Thue Sthorm Ijside Tne Syorm Tnhe Sytorm
Injside Thne Styorm Ibside Tbe S6orm Ibnside Tbhe S6torm Inbside Thbe St6orm Insside Tge Sgorm Inide Sgtorm Inisde Thge Stgorm
Inzide Tye Srorm Inzside Srtorm Inszide Thye Strorm Inwide Thee Stoorm Inwside Th Strm Inswide The Strom Indide Ths Stkrm
Indside Thse Stkorm Insdide Thes Stokrm Ineide Th3 St9rm Ineside Th3e St9orm Inseide The3 Sto9rm Inxide Thf St0rm Inxside Thfe St0orm
Insxide Thef Sto0rm Inaide Thr Stlrm Inaside Thre Stlorm Insaide Ther Stolrm Insiide Th4 Stirm Insde Th4e Stiorm

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