Frank Black And The Catholics
Chip Away Boy

I used to have some fun

Me and everyone

Now I'm just employed

I'm a chip away boy

I'm a chip away boy

I remember humid nights

I remember how the full moon tugs

How it used to make us fight

And the language of the bugs

And even our doomsday

I'm a chip away boy

I'm a chip away boy

And I'll chip away

Till I make the other side

I'm a chip away boy

I'm a chip away boy

I think I'm falling in love

And now she's falling off her stool

It?s not me she's thinking of

But I'm her little fool

And she's my Helen of Troy

I'm a chip away boy

I'm a chip away boy

You put on your camisole

And I'll jump in the rabbit hole

And head for the sluice way

I'm a chip away boy

I'm a chip away boy

And I'll chip away

Till I make the other side

Mirror lyrics:

Till I make the other side

And I'll chip away

I'm a chip away boy

I'm a chip away boy

And head for the sluice way

And I'll jump in the rabbit hole

You put on your camisole

I'm a chip away boy

I'm a chip away boy

And she's my Helen of Troy

But I'm her little fool

It?s not me she's thinking of

And now she's falling off her stool

I think I'm falling in love

I'm a chip away boy

I'm a chip away boy

Till I make the other side

And I'll chip away

I'm a chip away boy

I'm a chip away boy

And even our doomsday

And the language of the bugs

How it used to make us fight

I remember how the full moon tugs

I remember humid nights

I'm a chip away boy

I'm a chip away boy

Now I'm just employed

Me and everyone

I used to have some fun

Relevant Tags:
CChip AAway BBoy hip way oy hCip wAay oBy fhip zway voy fChip zAway vBoy Cfhip Azway Bvoy xhip qway goy xChip qAway gBoy Cxhip Aqway Bgoy
vhip sway noy vChip sAway nBoy Cvhip Asway Bnoy dhip wway hoy dChip wAway hBoy Cdhip Awway Bhoy Chhip xway Booy Cip xAway By Cihp Axway Byo
Cjip Bky Cjhip Aay Bkoy Chjip Aawy Boky Cuip Aaay B9y Cuhip Aaway B9oy Chuip Awaay Bo9y Cnip A3ay B0y Cnhip A3way B0oy Chnip Aw3ay Bo0y
Cbip Aday Bly Cbhip Adway Bloy Chbip Awday Boly Cgip Aeay Biy Cghip Aeway Bioy Chgip Aweay Boiy Cyip Asay Boyy Cyhip Bo Chyip Awsay Boy
Chiip A2ay Bog Chp A2way Bogy Chpi Aw2ay Boyg

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