Galaxie 500
Cheese And Onions

I have always thought in the back of my mind
Cheese and onions
I have always thought that the world was unkind
Cheese and onions
Do I have to spell it out?
C H E E S E A N D O N I O N S, oh no

Man or machine
(Man or machine)
Keep yourself clean
(Keep yourself clean)
Or be a has been
(Ah, ah)
Like dinosaur, oh, oh, oh

Man of advise
(Man of advise)
For everything nice
(Everything nice)
You'd better think twice
(Ah, ah)
At least once more, oh, oh

Man or machine
(Man or machine)
Keep yourself clean
(Keep yourself clean)
Or be a has been
(Ah, ah)
Like dinosaur, oh, oh, oh

Man of advise
(Man of advise)
For everything nice
(Everything nice)
You'd better think twice
(Ah, ah)
At least once more, oh, oh

Man or machine
(Man or machine)
Keep yourself clean
(Keep yourself clean)
Or be a has been
(Ah, ah)
Like dinosaur, oh, oh, oh

Man of advise
For everything nice
You'd better think twice

Mirror lyrics:

You'd better think twice
For everything nice
Man of advise

Like dinosaur, oh, oh, oh
(Ah, ah)
Or be a has been
(Keep yourself clean)
Keep yourself clean
(Man or machine)
Man or machine

At least once more, oh, oh
(Ah, ah)
You'd better think twice
(Everything nice)
For everything nice
(Man of advise)
Man of advise

Like dinosaur, oh, oh, oh
(Ah, ah)
Or be a has been
(Keep yourself clean)
Keep yourself clean
(Man or machine)
Man or machine

At least once more, oh, oh
(Ah, ah)
You'd better think twice
(Everything nice)
For everything nice
(Man of advise)
Man of advise

Like dinosaur, oh, oh, oh
(Ah, ah)
Or be a has been
(Keep yourself clean)
Keep yourself clean
(Man or machine)
Man or machine

C H E E S E A N D O N I O N S, oh no
Do I have to spell it out?
Cheese and onions
I have always thought that the world was unkind
Cheese and onions
I have always thought in the back of my mind

Relevant Tags:
CCheese AAnd OOnions heese nd nions hCeese nAd nOions fheese znd knions fCheese zAnd kOnions Cfheese Aznd Oknions
xheese qnd 9nions xCheese qAnd 9Onions Cxheese Aqnd O9nions vheese snd 0nions vCheese sAnd 0Onions Cvheese Asnd O0nions
dheese wnd lnions dCheese wAnd lOnions Cdheese Awnd Olnions Chheese xnd inions Ceese xAnd iOnions Cehese Axnd Oinions
Cjeese Annd Onnions Cjheese Ad Oions Chjeese Adn Oinons Cueese Amd Omions Cuheese Amnd Omnions Chueese Anmd Onmions
Cneese Ahd Ohions Cnheese Ahnd Ohnions Chneese Anhd Onhions Cbeese Ajd Ojions Cbheese Ajnd Ojnions Chbeese Anjd Onjions
Cgeese Abd Obions Cgheese Abnd Obnions Chgeese Anbd Onbions Cyeese Andd Oniions Cyheese An Onons Chyeese And Onoins
Cheeese Anx Onjons Chese Anxd Cheese Andx Onijons Chsese Ane On9ons Chseese Aned On9ions Chesese Ande Oni9ons
Ch3ese Anf Onlons Ch3eese Anfd Onlions Che3ese Andf Onilons Chfese Anr Onoons Chfeese Anrd Onoions Chefese Andr Onioons
Chrese Anc Onkons Chreese Ancd Onkions Cherese Andc Onikons Ch4ese Ans On8ons Ch4eese Ansd On8ions Che4ese Ands Oni8ons
Chdese Onuons Chdeese Onuions

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